
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Coming Next Week

  • Advanced Predicates
  • Making Judgments about people and situations
  • Social Studies Lesson 3-5 Test
  • Teddy Bear narrative stories
  • Writing a character sketch


  1. Are we going to do the Teddy Bear skit on Mon. or Tues.?


  2. probably tue...but is always difficult to find a time that works with the 1st grade class

  3. So we are aloud to bring an instrument right??

    -sarah neey

  4. Are you still going to put some practice essay questions on the blog???

    Please do i would like to practice...

    Sarah Neely

  5. Is the moment in time project due Monday or Tuesday now since Mr. Buxton changed the due date or did he?


  6. Sarah,
    It is due Tuesday!


  7. The sheet you gave out in class that has Molly Brice's descriptive writing, are we allowed to use some her sentences but twist it so it becomes our own. Some of her sentences were so good i wanted to use some of it. Is it ok? My thing that I am writing about is totally different so it really wouldn't be like hers.

  8. well..... i dont know. I did't use any of hers because they were her ideas.


  9. Caroline - yes, as long as you clearly 'adapt' the ideas

    Sarah - yes.. i'll add some questions on monday

  10. The S.S test is closed notes right


  11. I am confused about when the 'Moment In Time' writing is due. I looked at the past comments and they said Monday. Now people are saying Tuesday. Can somebody help me here?!

    Thx! Caroline M

  12. Caroline-

    I don't know for the Buxton's class, but for the Grahm's class it due Tuesday because Hayden kept making conplanments on the blog...

    Thanks, Hayden!

    Now for the Buxtons it might still be due ether last Friday or this Monday...

    -Sarah Neely

  13. Wait,

    So what day is our test again??? Is it tuesday... wait Monday...

    ~Sarah Neely

  14. i think it might be on tuesday or wednesday????


  15. Moment in Time - Due Tuesday both classes

    Teddy Bear stories= Hopefully Tuesday

    SS Test (closed book) Wednesday

  16. If we make mind maps for the S.S. test on Wednesday are we supposed to give them to you like last time? I'm asking because I've already made one.

    -Juliana V.

  17. no... but if you have them for the test you can earn a bonus point on the test

  18. is it o.k if we have 1-2 sentences that are 28-31 words.

  19. is the 6 bulet facts due monda or tuesday????????!!!!....

    RyAn S.......

  20. do u hav any practice for our ss test on tuesday?

    RyAn S.

  21. It was due Fri. but I guess you should bring it in on Mon. I don't think he going to post and. Look at the "How to study for S.S. Lesson 3-5 test". It has some really good tricks for studying.

  22. When we were studying essay questions That essay question that we did in class about the reigions some could P2's would be should, should, and what else...
    Also how many mind maps do we need to do????? And will there be any extra points that we could earn on the test?????

    ~Sarah Neely

  23. i think we need to do 5 mind maps sara

    RyAn S.

  24. haden i cant find the study butun. ware is it??????!!!!!...

    RyAn S.

  25. i still cant find thu study butun

    RyAn S.

  26. is this a compound subject???????!!!!!!!!!!!.........

    the cat and the stone

    RyAn S.

  27. uh how do u change your name instead of RyAn S.

    RyAn S.

  28. i forgot do we need to do the mind maps

  29. Ryan-

    Don't type any capitals except for the first letter of your name or take your hand off the caps lock button

    Also what is a "butun" Also that is a compound subject CHECK YOUR NOTES!!!

    S (shift) arah (no capitals) N (shift). (period)

  30. Also Abbie-

    On the comments before he said to Julianna that she could do ALL OF THE MIND MAPS and get a bonus point on the test... thats how i got it

    I think that means for us too... atleast i hope so
    cause i want some bonus points...

    So Mr. B is the bonus points for us too??????

    Also when did you say you were going to put the extra essay questions on the blog??

    ~Sarah Neely

  31. i saw he said Monday

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. do we have 2 do the mind maps or r they just if u want xtra credit??????????!!!!!!!!!..........

    RyAn S.

  35. A Day at McDonalds

    King size Hershey bars and fatty French Fries light up like beacons, calling my brother to them. Some of the burgers at the front of the store smelled like chemicals and looked like they had just been sat on. A fat, bald man in front of him turned around to sling a silver bugger wrapper into the trash can. Blotched red ketchup and yellow smeared mustard stains lined the front of his shirt. As the man hurled the wrapper, Jacob disappeared out of my view. The wrapper flashed through the air, and I got a glimpse Jacob about 10 feet away. The dirty construction workers next to us continued to noisily eat their meals while I lunged forward through the bustling crowd, grabbed his arm, and hoisted him back toward my parents. Turning toward our parents, we soon realized we didn’t know where they had sat down.

    As we frantically looked for our parents, I realized that they were right behind us and there was no need to worry. The worker decided just then to call our name. Our parents went up to get our burgers, yet we lost sight of them again. We sat down at the table and about five seconds later our mom and dad came back with our food. The food looked okay. I have not been there since.

    Is it good or do I need to add something to the "moment in time"


    Also is it okay to post long comments like this or should I just show it to you in class

  36. alex- i think its beter 2 show it 2 him in class.

    also do we have 2 do the mind maps or do we just do it for xtra credit?????!!!!!......

    RyAn S.

  37. Ryan - Mind maps are just for extra creit; however, they are a great way to organize your studying.

  38. when r we gonna do r teddy bear storys?????????!!!!!!!!!.

    RyAn S.

  39. not sure at the moment... things are very busy with cofnferences coming up...i will give you all plenty of notice when...


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.