
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Social Studies Test- Practie Essay Questions

Practice your essay writing techniques (hook,topic,support,elaborations,restate,hook)by doing one of the questions below.

Planet Venucian is very similar to Earth but it is running out of its natural resources. Based on what you have learned in S. Studies, advise Venu and his relatives on how they can best conserve the natural resources on the planet.


Circuit City, an electronics firm, recently went into bankruptcy. Based on what you have learned about the Free Enterprise system, explain why this might have happened.


Johnny and his family believe that the southwest is the best region to move to in the U.S. Give reasons to persuade Johnny to move his family to a different reason of your choice.


  1. Mr b. would doing 2 subjects(reigons and free enterprise)tonight and doing the other 2 tom. be a good idea or shoud I do a little of each both days.

  2. i think either 1 cuz it just depends on what u feel comfortable with hayden.

    RyAn S.

  3. Mr.Buxton-

    In stead of... "my happiness dropped just like a pen from your hand"

    Would this be better... "my happiness dropped just like it would when a dog dies"

    or should i think of something different???

    Also the writing for a moment in time is just about 3 paragraphs long and about a typed paper length wise?????

    -Sarah N.

  4. mr buxton-

    Our final draft of a moment in time is due tomorow...right

  5. sarah the dog dying thing is sort of sad

    maybe you could say... "my happiness dropped just like a weight dropped into the water" or something like that maybe

  6. MC-yes
    Sarah-1 page is what I'm doing and 3 paragraphs

  7. Sarah, I think that my happiness dropped just like a pen is better for some weird reason.

    I just do

    mr b, will you give us a sheet on only facts about regions, free enterprise, conservation, and the other one???????


  8. I have a question. Are monoplys good or bad?

  9. Caroline...Monopolies .. bad.. without competition the consumer can be exploited

    Sarah.. Makaela offers good advice.. follow it!

    Writing is due tomorrow MC

    Jackson.. no more have enough info with what i gave youalready t odo fine in the test.

  10. Do we need to do the sheets you gave us in class???

    The one with the US map etc...???
    Also thanks for the advice Makaela & Mr. Buxton!!!!

    -Sarah Neely

  11. Thanks Mr. Buxton! I was making mind maps. By the way I have a mind map technigue to show you tomorrow.

    Thanks again!

    Caroline M

  12. I accidently put conservation under my natural resources mind map, so can I just go with 3 mind maps? (I also put essay questions in individual categories)

    where is the "keep me signed in" button? I still have to type my username and password.


  13. Forrester - My account automaticly keeps me in unless I click sign out. Honestly, I don't think there actually is a "keep me signed in" button.

  14. Mr. Buxton, For the first essay question, would good power 2's be reduse reuse and recycle?


  15. Mr Buxton,
    Would reduse reuse recycle be a good power two?


  16. no Elizabeth because if both you and I had the same question it must not be very good power 2's because it was low order thinking

    - Maddie

  17. is all the vocab on the test tomorrow?

  18. if you are practicing by doing one of the essay questions, could you have more than one sentence for the opening???

    - Maddie

  19. I just realized. Where's the one on conservation or are you doing natrual resourses and conservation together?

  20. mr b

    is every vocab going to be on the test tomorrow????

    JaCkSoN HuFfMaN

  21. mr b

    will all the vocab be on the test?

  22. ya. I asked the same guestion? Is it all going to be on the test

  23. doubt it. Too many of them. Don't u think.

  24. I think thats not too much

    well it really is so its way too much


  25. I am going to study them all. But I doupt they are all going to be on the test

  26. On the vocabulary, he gave us the sheet on the words that WILL be on the test.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.