
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Review of Today's Lesson - Making Judgments

Enjoy a more detailed explanation of the Sugihara story. How would you judge this man?


  1. Are you going to put up essay questions to practice?

  2. I am totally confused on mind maps. I was absent when you first explained aabout them. I ment to talk to you today, but I didnt have enough time. Can you explain it to me? Or tommorrow?

  3. caroline- the mind maps r just a good way 2 study but u dont have 2 do it.

    RyAn S.

  4. do we have any homework 4 any other subjects instead of studying?????????!!!!!!!!!..........

    RyAn S.

  5. Guys...Please stick to the advice and resources 'I' gave you to study for the SS Test. Please do not recommend any websites before I get the chance to preview them first. Thank you


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