
Monday, February 15, 2010

State Report - The Finish Line

State Reports - Written components are due ...THIS  FRIDAY -19th
(Whether you are finished or not, you must hand in your report Friday.)

Use this week to do your very best work. You are not being graded on what you did a month ago. You are being graded on your finished product. Don't rush through components this week just to get it finished. Make sure you are giving your very best effort over these last few days and truly thinking about how to make EVERY sentence the best possible. People who finish ahead of time may want to take a second look at their cover pages. The most important stage of the Report is the proof reading and editing. Make sure one component smoothly transitions to the next. You will probably have to add a few additional sentences at the start of your second and third components to achieve this. DO NOT inset pictures until the work is completely edited and corrected. This will avoid wasting ink.  You have all worked very hard on this project. Make sure your final copy is something that you are truly proud to submit.

Coming Tuesday - Living Wax Museum Guidelines

Congratulations on the '50 States and Capitals' Test- A record number of 100% were recorded this year.


  1. do we actually HIGHLIGHT the GRAAB techniques? or should we just know where thewy are?

  2. do we need 2 in our historical event? because its a narrative.???

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Can i start the 3rd component because i am done with my power plan??????

  5. no highlighting of GRAAB- just make sure you use them

    no p2 in historical. it is a narrative

    McCarthy - yes

  6. mr b

    Im still on my power plan for my 3rd component.
    am i behind?

  7. how would we make it flow after every component

  8. read it Sabrina... if it reads like a book and there is a logial transition from one component to the next then you are fine. If it doesn't flow into the next component. you need to add some sentences to make it flow

    yes Jackson .. you should be on your conclusion by end of day tue

  9. do you check our conclusion like our rough drafts

  10. Rocks are very superior when it comes to natural resources especially in Arkansas. Bauxite is a very common in Arkansas because it is the state rock. Additionally, Coal states an importance in Arkansas also. Frag-mental rock, a sand-like rock, is also found in Arkansas. Moreover, Quartz is the most famous mineral in Arkansas. On the other hand, Dolomite is an attractive pink rock found in underground Arkansas. Diamonds are also well known in this state.

    Will you guys just make corrections on it if possible.
    Mr. B already ok it but i just want to have a few extra corrections



  11. maybe you don't have to use Arkansas so many times

  12. Trees are beautiful, but also can be used as wood, paper, and varieties of other needs. The Royal Empress tree grows up to 12 ft high, and although this is a pretty tree it is used for excellent wood! Additionally, Summer Red Maple trees are red and they grow very fast. These are used for wood also. Moreover, Autumn Cherry Trees bloom in the spring and fall and make paper well. On the other hand, Tulip Poplars have full yellow blooms and are great for shade. The Weeping Willow is easy to grow and grows fast. Another tree is the Muskogee Crape, these trees have flowers for 120 days, and they have lavender blooms. The Autumn Purple Ash tree has long lasting orange, red, and purple leaves.

    How about this one????????????

  13. That's good Sarah i would maybe not put as many transtional words because it is a conclusion.

  14. Sarah,
    is that trees?
    if it is, that is good.

    If it is forests, you should add more things.

  15. Mr. Buxton for our title of the whole continuous document thing do we just do like....
    New York
    "The Empire State"
    I'm still confused.

  16. Abigail, I think you head it by:

    New York

    Power 0

    Because on your cover or title page( I get mixed up) you put

    New York
    By: Abbie
    winter 2010

    and on your cover you have the nickname.


  17. I figured it out Juliana!

  18. was this computer class our last class for the fun facts i didnt print them

  19. yeah sarah i agree with JACKSONH but he rejected my forests so i dont know

  20. Yes you should go in the morning.

  21. What spelling lesson is it?

  22. For the 3D thing how big is it supposed to be. In the directions it says 30cm x 20cm and that is really small. Is it a typo? Just need to know.

  23. actually thats not that small 30 cm in length 20 cm in width and 30 cm high so bout the size of a shoe box

  24. you cant go to the computer lab in the morning beacause she wont be there all week in the morning until thursday morning and she has to check it but i think you can go during humanities if she isnt teaching a class or about to

  25. Mr.B,
    I was doing some more research on Wikipedia about my history component for some things you said for me to add, and 180 max. people died, so would you consider that a major loss for Kansas?


  26. I mean big enough for it to be remembered in History?

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Sarah,
    u may not want to use "although" b4 "this is a pretty tree" because that wood ( wood! get it?!) be all the more reason to use it for a kitchen table or wood floors, unless u mean the tree from the outside while it is still living is pretty, well that is different. U prob. want to be more clear...


  29. and sarah... trees dont make paper well. people make paper as a product. I am not sure if well is the right word to describe how paper is made by trees

    hope this helps :)

  30. Sarah,
    Are Tulip Poplars flowers, because they sort of sound like they are because of the name and how u discribed them. Also, u could use some more uses for all those trees u listed.

    Ex. are tulip poplar tree flowers used for bouquets or center pieces.

    u could say how they effect the citizens

  31. Sarah,
    alot of times what helps me describe things is by going on google images, searching the thing u want to describe, look at it, notice details, and write what u would see if u were standing right there b4 the thing u are describing

    hope this helps!!!!!!!

    (great 4 hooks + b there statements)

  32. Should we start thinking about the living wax museum thing because I don't know what you are talking about?

  33. Mr.B,
    about what time should we be finished w/ our intro. because I wasn't here but Mrs. Moore xplained it 2 me, so I don't know the date.

    (sorry if I posted a lot of comments)


  34. maddie dont start on the living wax museum until he talks bout it


    i will take your advice maddie

    that really helped...

  36. I know I am behind... and Mr.B said that when I wrote my third component that I didn't have enough facts and so I am editing that now, so about how many facts should we have for the history component???


  37. maddie im not toatally sure beacasue im not doing that but im guessing more then you would in a normal essay?? also i think it depends what you are doing for the history

  38. How can I delete the is in this sentence? Illinois’s total area is 57,918 square miles.


  39. Maddie- About 10-15 facts I think( that's what I have)

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Do i have to get rid of EVERY is in my state report because I have about 10 and I can't seem to replace them.

  42. abigal try hard to get rid of as many as you can but if there isnt any thing else then i think your ok but try really hard to get rid of them

  43. sorry alex that i called you abigal i was looking at the comment above

  44. k thanks alex!!!!
    btw, does anybody know how to spell complected as in a skin color like darker complected??????


  45. With our works cited, they have to be in alphiabatical order, right? AND, with other books I got info. from, can I list those also??

  46. Where is the historic event paragraph proofreading sheet?

  47. Do we have to have our 3d model 11 inches by 11 inches as the base and then have a bigger base like 15 by 15 on top of it


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