
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Homework Sheet - Week 3

Watch these videos again to review what we did in class today on 'Speed Reading'. I have also added a couple of extra ones that are on the same topic. Enjoy teaching somebody else our new strategies!

Don't forget that your 'A Boy's Story H/W' is due in by the end of study Hall tomorrow


  1. i dont really know what we have for math hw can anybody help me!

  2. Janie we have lesson 1.8 page 8 in our math work books.

  3. thanks Riley and do we just draw the picture on the back of the sheet and while i am here do we fill in all the quistions on that drawing sheet too.?

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  5. so is the scientific drawing sheet and the observing a penny sheet the same thing? I dont know...

  6. Beck, the scienctific drawing sheet mrs. grahm gave us is for homework DO NOT fill out the back of the sheet like she said earlier!!!!!!

  7. so do we do the scientific drawing sheet or not. Sorry, but you still haven't answered my question.

  8. BECK, you do use the scientific drawing sheet which was on our desk at the end of the day. You just follow the instructions, ya know draw the penny, yeah the instructions. OK? adios

  9. Okay you do DO the drawing sheet! It IS part of homework just DO NOT do it again on the back of the penny/waterdrops expierment! okay?

  10. I watched the other video on speed reading. I just did the penny thing and i did every last detail on the penny so my brain is screaming for help(if brains even can scream)but I still think it helped though. It was a little long siennara

  11. i told my mom to do the speed reading video (the one were you read really fast) and she seemed to like it because she wanted to do the whole thing (witch is like 6 minutes).

  12. i told my mom to do the speed reading video (the one were you read really fast) and she seemed to like it because she wanted to do the whole thing (witch is like 6 minutes).

  13. i told my mom to do the speed reading video (the one were you read really fast) and she seemed to like it because she wanted to do the whole thing (witch is like 6 minutes).

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  17. ha ha ha funny Breck thats my favorite vidieo too

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