
Friday, October 8, 2010

Homework Week 8

Click above link for this week's homework'

Phrase of the Week
You can't applaud with one hand

Word  of the week


  1. I think that the phrase of the week means that teamwork can help you accomplish more things than doing it single-handedly.

  2. I agree with Gauruv, there's no I in team.

  3. naive~ the naive man lost $10 because the salesman easily tricked him.

  4. Why do we need to bring in a stuffed animal in tomorrow

  5. Mary Selwyn its because we will probaly do the "Lost Teddy Bear" skit with them

  6. i think so too Bekah are you sick?

  7. I agree with Gauruv to. Teamwork is very important and Thomas is right there is no I in team.

  8. Well G.G i am not excatly sick but i had "Mom Issues" i guess you could call it that.

  9. Do we only do the 3 SSS techniques we learned today, or is it all 6 of them? I thought Mr. Buxton said 6, but the homework sheet says 3.

  10. Beck, you do 6 sentences using all 3 of the teqniques hope this helps! ~Bekah

  11. Mr. Buxton on your homework sheet this week you made a mistake you said "Winter Break" and its supposed to be "Fall Break"

  12. so those 3 techniques are prepositional phrases, infinitive phrases, and participle phrases, right?

  13. no Beck... 6 sentences using the 6 techniques from the SSS sheets in your sentence fluency booklet

  14. Thx Mr Buxton I thought it was only 3 techniques

  15. You have to do the sentences with the three we learned last week and the three we learned today

    hope this helped....

    Why do we have to bring in a stuffed animal?

    -Eliza Cotchett

  16. I hope you come back to school Bekah

  17. I am confused about homework. Do we use the things we learned in jeopardy in our sentences or do we not. Because that is what the homework sheet says.

  18. Martha, all we have to do is write 6 sentences using sss teqniques and your jeopardy sheet. You need to use one of each type of sss teqnique, and it has to be about facts on your sheet. Hope this helps.

  19. Sorry, I spelled techniques wrong. I meant to spell it as techniques.

  20. No Mary Selwyn theres nothing wrong with my mom its just i had to miss school because she had reasons for me to stay home! And thank you for telling us 2 do all 6 teqnuiqes i thought it would be 5

  21. When we are describing our stuffed animals do we write it as the animal our as some one else describing it?


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