
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Prepositional Phrase Practice -Videos

A reply from Mr. Warton

To Mr. Buxton's Students,

It was exhilarating to talk with you about the challenges of living in a diverse, global world. You really are the leaders that our city, state, and nation is waiting for to grow up and solve many of the problems we adults can't figure out. Thank you for your thoughtful and smart comments. Always think critically, listen intently, and speak and write with clarity and passion.

Mr. Wharton

Watch these videos to recap what we learned about prepositional phrases today

Will your prepositional phrase song be full of prepositional phrases like this one?

Use this link to practice for next week's Prpositional Phrase Test

"Wink Wink Nudge Nudge  Bob's your Uncle"- This exercise could be VERY useful next week! (click on -pop quiz) Quiz 1


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In the house
    Across the hall
    Into the bedroom
    Toward the wall
    Within the bed
    Below the covers
    Beside the pillow
    Eliza falls asleep

    -Eliza Cotchett

  3. Thank you Mr. Buxton

  4. Down the street into Selwyn aross the parking lot below the hill near the playground beside the building Thomas played football

  5. At the school
    Through the hallway
    Between the locker and doors
    Above the new floors
    Within the new building
    As I see friendly faces
    I walk to the large classroom

  6. great ones Bekah and Thomas

  7. Aw! Thanks Eliza yours is pretty great to!

  8. Across my bed
    through the curtins
    twirling up and down and all around
    my bedroom comforts when I fall asleep

  9. Thanks Thomas ! Yours i like since its really unique!


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.