
Friday, January 28, 2011

Homework Week11

Click on the link above to see Week Beg, Jan 31st Homework.

This will be the last H/W sheet until after State Reports

Enjoy Nick's poem below. Which emotion is being expressed here?
Assignment Objective: ?????
It Takes Guts

Two brutes began to pick a fight
With a timid child who was full of fright.
As the name-callers jeered and taunted,
The other student was frightened and haunted.

As he watched, John grew more incense.
He couldn’t believe how the bullying was so intense.
Strength inside John began to arise.
The power came from somewhere, but it was quite a surprise.

John was shaking but knew what to do.
He approached the boys before the fist flew.
He said, “Leave him alone. He hasn’t hurt you.
You’re only daring because you are two.”

The pests turned away before there was a fight.
John turned to the boy and asked, “Are you alright?”
A wide grin spread across his face.
John felt like the strongest kid in the place.


  1. Mr. Buxton, numbers like 20-24 still have not recited their poems when will we do that?

  2. Wow! Thanks for reminding me Lilly. We will have to do it Monday.

  3. isnt our poetry party monday? or are they, meaning 20-24, going to do that for one of their numerous poems????

  4. Mr. Buxton i was looking for facts for my menu and i found a neat website for our state reports here it is~~~

  5. Mr buxton you said that we would only have to recite 1 poem if we chose can we still do that!

  6. Are the presentations for the poetry party graded and do the poems have to be memorized?

  7. mr buxton, is it ok that i want to change my midwest poem to my free choice poem for the poetry party?-martha wright

  8. Martha - that's fine. Choose what every moves you and you are epassionate about!
    Janie abd Charlie- You already know the answer to that question.
    There is a chance that we won't get time for everybody to recite to 2 poems, but you should be prepared to do so.
    Lilly- You could recite your poem at the party and I grade you on it then if you choose or later in the day

  9. I am confused. Can anyone tell me when/if the free chiose porm is due, and do you have to write another one or do you pick one of your own that you have already writen or do you have to write a whole new one. please help!!!
    thanks, Kennedy Fertitta

  10. also my USB key will not open on my brothers or my families computer, and most of the stuff for the movie is on there.
    Kennedy fertitta

  11. Free Choice means 'free choice' Kennedy. you choose another poem. It can be from a book, a song with special lyrics, or something you create yourself.

    I hope you also saved your movie stuff on the drive on the s/ drive in school? Lesson 1 -Always have back up!

  12. is it ok if i bring my southwest project in tomorrow?

  13. do we have to illastrate the inside of our poetry booklets?

  14. Mr. buxton I think it will work at school. I just think something is wrong with my computer.
    Kennedy Fertitta

  15. CAN ANYONE ANSWER MY QUESTION! oh, yeah, i was thinking the same thing,Eliza.

  16. i bet it is ok beck


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.