
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Poetry Parties

Poetry Parties will take place on Monday morning. These will be a celebration of language, music, and literature. I expect passionate performances and powerful deliveries from ALL of you.  Each of you will have to come prepared to deliver TWO performances.  You will also need to turn in your completed, decorated poetry books containing at least 8 of the 9 poems we have done in class from the list below. You may choose NOT to include any one poem from the list below: (you are welcome to include all 9 if you decide)

Personal Poem - Describing an emotion
Narrative Poem -  Relating the world event
Inside/Outside Poem - The Fruit
Inside/Outside Poem - About yourself.
Published Poem - The poem you recited in class
Midwest Group Perform
Road Less Taken -Interpretation
Beatles song - Interpretation
Free Choice - Show your creativity here!

Side note. I am so proud to observe your brilliant creativity with respect to the regions inquiry based assignment. A perfect example was what Lilly said in class this morning,

"Mr Buxton, can I make my timeline the Brooklyn Bridge? I also want to use different cars (forms of transport) to represent the historical events that occured over time in my region."

Bravo Lilly! How will the rest of  you, 'think out of the box?'

Impressive 'elevator pitches' today  from the Buxton class for your Animoto movies. I am excited to see your finished versions next week.


  1. Mr. Buxton the poem on what I enjoy is only twelve lines, but i really like it this is it~ Dance when no ones looking,
    Dance harder when they are
    Dance to heal a wound,
    Dance to heal a scar
    Dance under the rain
    Dance under the sun
    And when you think you cant dance,
    Just get outside and run
    Dance to the sound of the leaves,
    Dance to the song in your heart
    Dance even tho you know...
    That your world is falling apart.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. omg bekah ur poem is really good i can tel you r very passionate about dancing

  4. is our only homework in humanities the region

  5. sorry i did not finish my sentence i meant to say region project

  6. GG FYI thanks for the comments but i did not write the poem wish i did

  7. does it matter what order your poems are in?

  8. Mr. Buxton,
    Is it ok that I do not use Geographic features and use agriculture instead on the tree????

  9. for the poetry party do we have to resite poems or can we do something elts?

  10. You can do either Shopie. You can do both if you want!

  11. what is the order of the poems that we put in our poetry booklet?- martha wright

  12. Wait so we don't have to include all 9 poems?

  13. no shaw you can include 8 and choose one that you do not want to include in your booklet. you can include 9 if you want

  14. do we have to know euphemism or idioms???????????????????????????????????

  15. I have the same question as beck Will the test be on connotations,idioms, and other things we really havent learned?

  16. I have the same question as beck Will the test be on connotations,idioms, and other things we really havent learned?

  17. i do not think so bekah

  18. can we have notes on the poetry test?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Mr. Buxton,
    Can we have a note card for the test?

  21. Can we use notes on the test?!?!


    You are all asking questions that you already know the answer. It has been clearly stated what you need to know on the blog and on the H/W sheet.

    Today's session reiterated how even if you come across something that we haven't studied, it still doesn't mean you can't answer the question correctly.

  23. Thank You Mr. Buxton! Oh and i got my movie to play on different computers. Instead of copying the movie i exported it onto my hard drive

  24. Mr. buxton, you said that we can only do 1 poem if we chose! can we still do that!


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.