
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thinking Out of the Box?

Are you making sure you are being creative with your ideas for the Regions project and thinking 'out of the box?

Recap. Joint the 9 dots with four lines without taking your pen off the paper.


  1. mr.buxton, i still cant find my inside outside poem, but i think that i saw it in my purple folder. do you think that i could get it from there?

  2. Mr. Buxton, i cant fit both lyrics and beatles song onto one page even after i do tab a bunch of times. What should i do? Oh and who is Emma!

  3. bekah- i think emma is sophie hardy

  4. Bekah
    you can type up both the lyrics and interpretation on 2 different pieces of paper. then you can glue them on!!!!!!!! if it doesn't fit try a smaller size. Hope this helps!!!!!!!!!

  5. Mr. Buxton, in the heading, you accidentally said show instead of sure!!!

  6. How many P3s do you need in the paper?

  7. on the hw sheet it only said 1 but im not sure


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