
Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 5 Day 1

Finish the Appostives worksheets. Consolidate your understanding by practicing with these exercises below. 
Also watch the video.

Social Studies:
Based on our session on quality questioning today, i don't think you'll ever think about questions again the same way. Think about questioning techniques ever time you hear or ask a question in the future. Bonus plus points if you can response to a parent's question tonight by identifying explaining to them the type of question they asked and why they asked it. e.g.  mom- did you have a good day at school today? child-mom, I can tell you are asking an inference question because you can see a big smile on my face and you already know what I'm goning ot say. To earn the +1 you must write about your Q+A exchange. It must  be a real situation and not just set up to earn you +1

Lesson 2.2 & 2.3 Study Link

Work on your Book Talk


  1. Just to clarify, we can only start our book talk after you check our draft?

  2. And we can combine two web 2.0 tools like screenr and prezi?

  3. Hi Mr.Buxton I forgot my math in school can I skip recess and do it in school?

  4. Nakul - no, you can begin your book talk without me looking at your draft. Yes, you can easuily combine the two tools (that is synthesizing by thwe way)

    Yes, Rachel - only this once though. you can also start them when you arrive. Thank you for trying to solve your problem.

  5. Is the blog due Wednesday or Tuesday

  6. thrusday the book talk is due thrusday

  7. Mr Buxton, when are we going to use photo babble?

  8. We're going to use photo babble for our book talk Jacqueline

  9. Hi could anybody help me with question 1,3,4 of combining sentences on our rla hw

  10. Hi mrbuxton I wasn't on before but my Internet is down. My moms phone has 3G so I am using her phone. There might be some spelling mistakes or puntuation mistakes if I post anything

  11. maria, anisha, and riya,
    I can write my description of the playground today but I can do it tomorrow.

  12. hi mr.buxton,
    i sort of got confused with appositives.
    can appositives start with the?

  13. Mr. Buxton, are the quizs compulsory? My moms iPhone will not let me type in the answer boxes. My mom's phone, from apple, is having some technical difficulties. Is that an appositive?

  14. Sure you can do it tomorrow, if that's what you mean, Caroline.

  15. Consolidate means check. I figured this out using the context clues. Under context clues, I found that you figure this particular word out by using examples in the text.

  16. I'm having trouble with 5 because do we also have to fix the spelling errors.

  17. Yes an appositive Is either a noun or noun phrase. SAS is a noun.

  18. So we most likely should use fotobabble, not screenr? I dont think anyone should use prezi for a book talk. A lot of people are having spelling mistakes, even after RLA! I keep singing the DONT LAUGH AT ME SONG! Its a good song, and has a good meaning. What pages were we supposed to do?

  19. Alex it is your choice if you want to do screenr or fotobabble.

  20. Alex did you figure out a way to delete a blog? Internet has been down on my computer so I could not see.

  21. if anyone is still on the blog
    I don't think I'm gonna make it to school today.

  22. I'm not going to school today. I'm going to the doctors to try to fix my cough. :(


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.