
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week 5 Day 2

Tonight is a thinking about the end of the week night. Each of you needs to priortize what you need to do first.

Study Link 2.4

Choose what you need to do from below based on your individual progress so far:
  • Work on your Book talk
  • Work on your portion of the narrative movie. I hope to begin filming these by Thur or Fri afternoon.
  • Remember the specific WILF for this assignment.
For those students volunterring to  participate on the student council, work on what you will say to the class to get people to vote for you.


  1. Hi,
    Sorry I missed school today I had a cough and a sore throat. I'm feeling so much better. I'm coming to school tomorrow. :)

  2. also I forgot what student couil is could you explaini it to me?

  3. rachel, student council is where the class votes for people who want be in the student council and they are like a representative for the class and one of thirteen for the grade.

  4. We're having speeches on Friday and then people will vote who they want to vote for. The nominees are: Nakul, Aditya, Rohan, Rachel, George, Maria, and someone else. Please Vote for Me! I'll do some good stuff. I don't know what but yeah.Who's the person I didn't mention that's a nominee?

  5. Did everybody work well this afternoon? Did you get a chance to work on your narrative movies?

  6. Can anyone tell me whats W.I.L.F.

    I forgot

  7. When free dress day falls on a PE day, do you guys normally come dressed in free dress or PE? (or wear one and bring the other)

    What I'm Looking For (It's the specific info. that MUST be in your presentation)

  8. WILF stands for: what i'm looking for.
    The other nominee is Maya.
    We worked well but didn't get to work on our movies i think cause we ran out of time...

  9. last year we wouldn't have come dressed in free dress but this year they said we could as long as it's suitable to wear in p.e. otherwise, we just bring it.

  10. My group worked a little on our movies. But most of the time we were working on our BT's. How many categories do we have to use for our BT's? Ms.Asni was good.

    Movies on Fri, BT on Thurs, SL 2.4 Wed, first current events Fri. Classmates, that is our schedule.

    Book talk:
    My guess, two categories, what are the seven anyway?
    fotobabble or screenr. Nakul, Mr.B said that you shouldn't use prezi.
    Main idea, supporting details, and topic.
    I think that is the WILF, Mr.B is there anything else?

    Are the movies dialoge or scene?
    How many sentences do we use to describe the characters? And setting?

    Thanks for the compliment guys, have a good rest of the day!
    Did anyone not get a compliment, I can give them one!

  11. good my pic is working.

    Anisha, I think you click edit blog or profile or settings, and click DELETE. Last night you asked me how to delete a blog.

    Rachel, in science we saw our salt trays and observed them. In math the WALT was Add and subtract numero stories. We had to solve numero stories, and MR.B was really specific about writing the unit. In RLA we worked on our movies. In comp, we didn't even have to go there! We used the COWS! It was cool. With Ms.Huggins we did compliments and concerns. Sense you didn't get a compliment here is one: Rachel, you are always engaged with the learning. You are also funny.
    At the end of the day, Mr.B left early. We worked on our book talks and a little on our movies.

    And that was the day, Rachel.

  12. Rachel, you spelled council wrong!

    Hope your feeling better.

  13. Scott- Here is the new current events wallwisher.

    Good luck councilors!

  14. I so feel so much better, and I was in a rush so I guess I spelled it wrong. I can't belive I missed s much today. Also what happend to the salt in science class.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Well Mr. Buxton I am not that sure either but I know one things for sure if it is free drees on P.E days you need to wear appoprite clothes not like dresses


  17. Rachel did you like my compliment? Thank you Scott, Emma and Nick for giving me compliments.

  18. Have a good night's sleep everyone! The game is on for the councilors, isn't it!

  19. Zachy I couldn't get to the movie. I will talk to you at school.

  20. See you all tomorrow at rockin' mr.B's classroom! Was I correct in the big comment there with the schedule and WILF, and things like that? Mr.B I will soon have a new web 2.0 website for you to put on blog. I will do some research for you.

  21. Hi rachel! hope you're feeling better. In science the salt turned into white, tiny squares that had x's in them. And for breann and rachel I created a wallwisher for us to talk on. the web address is
    P.S. thanks for the idea of making a wallwisher alex1 :D

  22. Hi Alex, we can talk about it at school.

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Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.