
Thursday, September 13, 2012


Who found the most capitalization errors in their Reader's and Writer's notebooks?

Watch this video for a quick recap


  • Complete Capitalization w/sheet 
  • Study Link 2.6

BRING A PRINTED COPY OF YOUR NARRATIVE DRAFT TO SCHOOL FOR AN EDITING SESSION tomorrow! - Do not FORGET THIS - If everybody has a printed copy you will get a step on  the 'ladder to laughter'  - if you only have a copy on your class computer then you will just have to print it in school in the morning -

  •  What did you think to the end of the Mummy Mystery story?
  • What categories did you use to evaluate? 
  • Did the teacher read the story with P.E.X.S. today?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How are you feeling Mr.Buxton?

  4. I hope we get a step on the 'ladder to laughter'!

  5. Same here, Miguel. It's already our 5th or 6th week of school!

  6. Mr.Buxton, we can't print our narrative writing because we did our narrative in word. By the way, how are you feeling?

  7. Any one please help! My blog wouldn't open when I pressed Design, and the other tabs too.

  8. Mr. Buxton, are you feeling alright?

  9. I don't know how too get to my account on Word because I already have my own account on my computer

  10. I think the end of the Mummy Mystery story was very unrealistic, because a scientist(s) would never let two kids into a lab and let them help with their investigation

  11. How are you feeling Mr Buxton?

  12. what does the capitalization sheet mean when it says 'name a proper noun for business'?

  13. please reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I found the Mummy Mystery corny, for it started with a cliche begging and a cliche ending as well. I also thought that it was ambiguous because scientists would shoo the kids out of the lab in real life because they were working on a mummy. Also, it was too predictable because it was too easy to guess what was in the mummy's hand. I would give this writing a 1 out of 10 for bad begging, ending, and easy predictability.


  15. Oops, I was only supposed to do the ending sorry.

  16. Beginning in the Mummy Mystery not begging sorry.

  17. How do we print out the narrative because it's on a word that I dont have!!!

  18. Hey Mr.Buxton,
    How are you doing. Next week I move to New Jersey. Therefore, I get to show off my writing and grammar skills. Oh, and hows your class this year.

  19. How would u guys feel about a movie day maybe at the end of the day someday for student council stuff do u think we could do that.

  20. Harrison if we have the narrative on the document then how do we get it and print it out if its on our laptops???

  21. Is the document on a USB if not print it out at school. There's really nothing else you can do.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.