
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fluency Reading with Vocaroo

Record audio or upload mp3 >> H/W Finish your 'lead' paragraph in the google doc. Make sure that you are clearly using one of the techniques we spoke about today. Math Study Link 2.5 Optional: Experiment with vocaroo with your independent reading book


  1. Mr Buxton, what do we do on the HTML in the Vocaroo blog post?

  2. Mr. Buxton, I don't have a microphone or a headset. How can I make Vocaroo recordings at home? Thanks.

  3. hi! can we post our lead on our blogs if we want to?

  4. Tasha, you can't record ANYTHING if you don't have a microphone.

  5. Oh, and i have a question for you Mr. Buxton! you you have a copy of all the group conversation?

  6. Hey, guys! that is sad that I can't record anything because I dont have a microphone!!! :(

  7. How do you edit your blog, because I need to fix something!Please help!!! Oh! Miguel after you go to HTML you copy what ever was written there and then you delete the words except the words that is in English. Then you do the same thing with the other one. ;)

  8. So you go to your blog and on the top right corner it says Design you click on that.. then on the left side it says layout and there you have your whole blog in boxes and rectangles.

  9. Thor you can post anything you want on the blog for feedback that's one of it's main purpose

  10. Mac books come with built in mics just to let you know in case you are using one.

  11. Thor, you should wait for it to be corrected before posting it on the blog.

  12. you shouldn't need one. Your computer should have one built in.

    copy it into a post window Miguel

    copy of WHAT? Camille - Grand Conversation or Group conversation - what do you mean?

  13. you shouldn't need one. Your computer should have one built in.

    copy it into a post window Miguel

    copy of WHAT? Camille - Grand Conversation or Group conversation - what do you mean?

  14. you shouldn't need one. Your computer should have one built in.

    copy it into a post window Miguel

    copy of WHAT? Camille - Grand Conversation or Group conversation - what do you mean?

  15. you shouldn't need one. Your computer should have one built in.

    copy it into a post window Miguel

    copy of WHAT? Camille - Grand Conversation or Group conversation - what do you mean?

  16. you shouldn't need one. Your computer should have one built in.

    copy it into a post window Miguel

    copy of WHAT? Camille - Grand Conversation or Group conversation - what do you mean?

  17. did you know that there is a qr code in vocaroo?

  18. how long should our lead be???


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.