
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Are you ready for the Math Assessment?

IXL b.7 & s.1

Spend 20minutes working collaboratively on your Animoto Persuasive Project. You must have an arguable thesis statement that clearly states your opinion.

I fixed the problem from class today. Use this link to create your team's copy of your persuaisve essay planning sheet here: PLANNING SHEET

e.g. Cheerleading needs to be banned as a Middle School activity because participants receive far too many injuries. Members of cheerleading squads form elite exclusionary clubs and the activity itself distracts students from their academic responsibilities.

1) topic - cheerleading
2) opinion - banned from school
3) reasons  i) injuries ii) exclusionary clubs iii) distracting

Can you find these elements in your  thesis statements?

Remember, the focus is visual literacy. How can you  write an essay with images?
See sample of a digital introduction again below. Can you work out my thesis statement?

Postponed until tomorrow
Learn how to calculate your reading fluency. You should do this every month and keep  a tally on your blog   (Words Read Correctly x 60) divided by seconds it takes to read the passage


  1. Dylan, here is my thesis statement for the digital essay: Major hotel chains like Best Western are irresponsiblely wasting energy resources that pollute the earth instead of Using forms of energy that doesn't pollute the world, doesn't harm any type of animals, and saves tones of money in electrocity bills. If you can find a way to make it better, tell me by 7:00. See ya. Kayzad

  2. What do you mean about Name the copy thing on the directions on the google doc Mr.Buxton?

  3. I made a mistake in my thesis. Let me just say it again : Major hotel chains like Best Western are irresponsibly using energy sources that pollute the earth, and must use energy that doesn't pollute the world, doesn't harm living organisms and save tones of money in electricity bills instead!

  4. Great!
    Thesis= Major hotel chains like Best Western are irresponsibly using energy sources that pollute the earth
    power 2s=
    A.use energy that doesn't pollute the earth
    B. use energy that does not harm living organisms
    C. it saves tones of electricity bills!

  5. Lauren wat thesis statement r we using

  6. Reid here is my thesis statement: People smoking needs to be banned and it is irresponsible due to its adverse health effects to the smoker,to people around the smoker and sets a negative influence for children.

  7. Thor are we using this: The weak laws of the USA on the sale of firearms is unacceptable and dangerous because...

  8. Owen, this is the thesis statement we agreed on please tell me any changes you would like to make.

    It is unacceptable for children in third world countries can't have basic education like we do because this would effect their future jobs, to follow directions, and for children to know what is going on in the world.

    We will probably change a little bit.

  9. Ashlin do you think this is a good thesis statement and 3 ideas? Environmentalists are being irresponsible and wasteful by putting up save the trees sighns because they are using products made out of trees such as paper and cardboard. They are ruining wildlife by helping out the company who made the wood product who cut down the trees whih is ruining wildlifes home. They are also oing agianst their own words by using paper and cardboard.

  10. Mr. Buxton or any other student do wefill out the whole plan for our animoto or just the number 1 paragraph.

  11. Daniel when will you get onto skype? Does anybody know Daniel's skype name? I think he left the everybody chat we have on skype. Reid, Owen do you know his skype name?

  12. How about

    It is unacceptable that children in third world countries can't have basic education like we do because this would effect their future jobs, to follow directions, and for children to know what is going on in the world.

    But i am confused about 'to follow directions'. It is also a huge run-on sentence.

  13. OWEN!!! LOOK!!!!!!!! Do you know what time Daniel finishes his after school activity? Also do you know what his skype name is?

  14. It is unacceptable that children in third world countries don’t have basic education like we do because this significantly limits their future potential. If not educated their future would be miserable because they are not smart enough to get a job, to follow directions, and for children wouldn’t know what would be going on in the world.

  15. Hariet-My team's football practices end quite late but i dont know when.

  16. Does anyone happen to know what the specific content on the persuasive planner supposed to be?

  17. do we have to write 3 options

  18. Great but I also don't know how to make that sentence shorter I agree with you.
    It is important to know how to read instructions or directions to know what to do for activities and games.

  19. What does the "Type of Media" vertical column want you to do? I don't understand it. Plese answer.

    - Aiden

  20. Aiden I am pretty sure the type of media is like when you describe it with photos, captions or so on. Like Mr. Buxton did.

  21. Aiden you say what kind of media you say like a picture of something or a page of a word document,and are you trying to finish our sheet?

  22. Harriet are you on. I need know if you have done the page about yoour thesiss stament because I didn't memorize it.

  23. I have done it daniel

  24. Harriet waht is your thesis stament?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. What did you write on the page.

  27. Thor this is the full statement. The weak laws on the sale of firearms in the USA are unacceptable and dangerous because they can lead to school shooting, celebrity assassination, and violence in the streets. Please tell me any changes you want to make.
    Thesis= The weak laws on the sale of firearms in the USA is unacceptable and dangerous
    A. School Shooting
    B. Celebrity Assassination
    C. Violence in the Streets

  28. i am trying to finish the first paragraph

  29. Daniel here is the thesis statement: Very few people are aware of the condition Progeria, as it only effects one in eight million children worldwide. However, children with this condition lead a very short and difficult life, usually dying before the age of thirteen. Unfortunately, doctors have found no cure for this abysmal disease, because very little research has been conducted toward finding a cure. It is difficult to get funding when other diseases such as cancer effect far more people. Rare diseases are equally devastating as diseases that are more common. More funding needs to be given to finding the cure for rare diseases such as Progeria as every life is important.

  30. First paragraph I meant :)

  31. Some interesting pieces of work tonight. I can finally see you guys are 'thinking'

    The Learning has started - we have begun!


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