
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Literary Allusions

Use this link to make a copy of the Unit 3 WordStudy File

Always be on the watch out for literary Allusions - The wider you read, the easier they are to spot.

Other ways to make connections or disconnections to stories

No additional H/W tonight.

Reading Classes - Work on your book club presentation due next Friday
Writing Classes - Anonymous (no name on it)  PRINTED copy of your $1 article - due tomorrow

Criteria for Scoring in tomorrow's challenge:


  1. Do we have to do the 1$ tomorrow for the split class?
    I thought it was due to next week.

  2. I just want to say thank you to Mr. Buxton for allowing us at the end of class to work on whatever we needed to for his class. I managed to get started with my group on the presentation and read. Also finish off a bit of my $1 Paragraph. One quick question though. With the $1 is a paragraph or a couple?

  3. Jessica, it can be a paragraph or more, which ever you want. It does not matter because it is chosen in the way you write, not how much you write. Hope that answered your question!

    Inyong, it is due tomorrow, Good luck!

    Mr. Buxton, thank you for the extra time in class today, I got to know more about my character in the book because of it! Thank you!

  4. No Inyong, the dollar paragraph is due tomorrow or the next RLA class for you. Thanks Mr.Buxton for posting the video it really helped me secure the subject of the illusions because in the beginning I didn't get how you identify the illusions and how they connected to the author but with the video it clarified a lot of the information for me. So know I completely get the concept. Thanks

  5. Is the paragraph on what we would do with $21 or $1?

  6. Anya,
    Its what you would do with all of the money that the class gave so 21

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Mr. Buxton,
    I never thought of allusions. I assume that I have at least read 5 allusions and just passed over them. The lesson today made me really interested in allusions. Now I am going to pay further attention to how the authors use allusions!

  9. I just wanted to say that after today's lesson on allusions I'm going to try to find them more often. I'm now realizing it more often when my parents use allusions like, "Time spent laughing is time with the gods," or, "I'm no Son of Zeus, but I do have authority." I think that I can find many more allusions in the group book I am currently reading, Fearless. There are lots of main themes, and deeper themes within the themes. Even without the allusions I thought that Fearless was a brilliant book with so many themes and real life comparisons, but after today's lesson on allusions, I am even more awed at the content of the book.

    Thanks Mr. Buxton!
    Marium Ahmed
    E-F Block

  10. I didn't used to notice illusions, but now i notice them a lot more.

    Thank you Mr Buxton

  11. Also Inyong
    I don't know if anyone answered your question for you but yes it is due tomorrow for everyone.

  12. Riya - it is not illusion is is allusion - these are completely different - so not confuse them.

    with the 21$

    i would be interested to hear with you think Fearless alludes to!

    ALLUSION!!!! -remember this!

    +1 if you commented tonight. This will not happen every night! -

  13. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for helping me Mr.Buxton


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.