
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The SGD$1 Challange

Use this link to go to your assessment on Opening and Delayed Adjectives and Adverbs

Shout out to ANYA - Scoring over 95% in the assessment!
Shout out to LUKE and PATRICK - Each scoring 'A's on the assessment!

Make a copy of this link and save it in your short cuts. This is your new unit for Research Based Argument Writing
What could be done with $1?

Writing Classes
SGD $1 Challenge H/W: Due Friday

The student that writes the most effective research persuasive argument, as judged by the class, for the use of the money - will get to keep the money and use it for their chosen cause, (what he/she wrote about). Your writing will be at least one large paragraph, many of your will write more.
Remember: This is not about which 'cause'  is the best - it is about how effectively you can create a research based persuasive argument.

Your final pieces must be printed and  turned in anonymously. If you do not bring a printed version to class, you cannot participate.   Pieces will be scored in small groups based on its use of the list of topics listed in the chart below:

As teachers, we thought this would be an entertaining, engaging, and exciting way to launch our Research Based Argument Unit. This challenge is not about the money, it is not even about the ideas, it is just about how effectively you can persuade.  (Did you spot the parallel structure?)


  1. Not knowing how to write a persuasive paragraph I feel as though I am off to a good start with having a topic and at lease a sentence:). Thank you Mr. Buxton for introducing me to persuasive writing I feel as though this will help me a lot with all of my writing.

  2. +1 for your positive attitude Jessie! I actually think you have a really good idea. We will learn a lot about persuasive writing in this unit. Have a nice evening.

  3. This challenge is not about the money, it is not even about the ideas, it is just about how effectively you can persuade.
    Is not...Is not...Is not.
    Thank you for teaching us about persuasive writing, no I can probably get stuff out of my RLA loving mom! THANK YOU!

  4. I meant 'it is'! Sorry!

  5. Spot on Jackson - you will have some great strategies for getting your point across and getting your own way.
    +1 for your contribution.

  6. Thank you Mr. Buxton for posting the examples with the names. Also great job to those who did great on the grammar quiz!
    Thank you for all of your help Mr. Buxton!

  7. Wow...
    That video makes me think about everything that I take for granted.. 1 dollar in our day to day minds is not very much but there is so much that we can do with only 1 dollar. A little bit goes a long way. If we reduce the use of a lot of things than we can really help the less fortunate.

  8. I learnt that I have ok understanding of opening and delayed adjectives and adverbs through out today's test.

    I also like how the money motivates the human. If you meant to give us the cold cash, I would have not do the challenge, but because it was the money, people are trying their best

    Oh also the system that awards the people who have done good things, will make the other people to do good things to get awarded, is good way for people to do homework, like me too.

    I am not sure about principle of authority Mr. Buxton. If anyone read this, please help me.

  9. +1 - first person to answer inyong

  10. Inyong, Principle of authority is when you use specific names, like of colleges, business, and universities. Like this one The Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation

  11. +1 jess

    names of people with authority on the topic and what they believe

  12. All the tips on writing a persuasive essay have really helped me structure mine. I think the SGD $1 was a good idea. Some people are mad because they no longer have a dollar, but it makes people even more motivated to write a better essay. Well done Mr. B!

    P.S. Inyong did a good job of asking for help this way instead of emailing Mr. BUxton 50 time. We could do this more often, so it not only doesn't annoy Mr. B, but it also gets others in the class to think too. Thanks Inyong!

  13. Great definition to Inyong's question Jess!

  14. I feel like after today's lesson on the different types of tools you can use to write a persuasive essay, that I might be able to do the same with convincing my parents to get me a job. One thing I was wondering though, do you have to know the person whom you use in your Principle of Authority directly? Or could it simply be a Doctor that has stated something on a website, and you would like to use what the Doctor has said. I also think that it's really good that the writing is going to be anonymous. It's probably better that way, because then it's less likely that people would simply vote for their friends paper. I also realized after today's delayed adjectives and adverbs test told me that I need to start studying a little more in advance, and make sure that I fully know what the test is about. I need to have a deeper knowledge of the things on the test.

    I find it amazing how much people don't realized how well they have it. The video made me realize how much we take for granted, and how much others loathe the fact that we can do almost anything because of the society we were born in.

    I think that if we really paid more attention to the people who make $1 a day, or less, that we would realize how much a dollar is valued to someone so privliged, like me, and how much $1 comes to in value to somebody who earns less than that a day.

    Thank you Mr. Buxton for helping the class with the different tools. At first, I did not know how to use parallelism in a story, but now I know that it's normally used in a way where there is similar structure inside a sentence.

    One last question, could a parallelism question be, "Good people give, bad people take?"

    - Marium Ahmed
    - Block E-F

  15. Quick Question:
    On the grammar packet on page 4 it says adjective/adjective phrase.
    I am a little confused on what that means...

  16. Sorry! I didn't mean, "parallelism question," I meant to write, "parallelism example." Sorry!

  17. Marium,
    For the question you asked that asked if you need to know the person to quote it for principle of authority, the answer is no. You can quote a collage, a group, a certain person, or anyone who has professional experience with the topic you are writing about.

  18. I don't think that would be an example Marium because you aren't really stating what will happen. Also it could end with the same ending (ex. ing) This is from my understanding. It might not be right. From the mentor text it says
    This is an example of parallelism
    Effective advertising leads to profitable businesses; profitable businesses lead to more jobs, and more jobs lead to a healthy successful economy.

  19. Yeah, the text we were given in class can help with that.

  20. Oh, thanks Jordan. I just wasn't sure. Thanks for clearing that up for me. :) Thanks Kalia for answering that question for me as well. :)

  21. Although Jordan, I don't agree with the statement you made about parallelism suggesting what will happen, because that is an example of prognosticating.

  22. Kalia,
    It came out not as I planned on...
    I meant how one effect will lead to another which will lead to another. Such as the example in the mentor text:
    Effective advertising leads to profitable businesses; profitable businesses lead to more jobs, and more jobs lead to a healthy successful economy.

  23. Mr. Buxton, thanks for the lesson on persuasive argument essay today! It was a really interesting topic to learn about. Even though, I've written about these kinds of essays before, I never knew I could use (parallelism, principle of authority, etc) when I write an essay.

    Also I think that bringing up the plus points thing was a really good idea because I notice that people are speaking up and paying attention more in class now.

    A question I would like to know though, is why you post a video every blog post? I know it could mean to inspire us and give us motivation, etc. Or are these messages, that lead to life lessons for us, in the future? And also where do you find these videos? They are really interesting and inspirational?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Yes I agree with Elysia because like the video you posted for today with the $1 really did show the difference it could make in the world. It would help out people who are not as fortunate as us or some other children in the world. Thank you Elysia for mentioning, "A question I would like to know though, is why you post a video every blog post? I know it could mean to inspire us and give us motivation, etc. Or are these messages, that lead to life lessons for us, in the future? And also where do you find these videos? They are really interesting and inspirational?" because, I had the same question and opinion as well.

  26. I agree with Jess. I think that he posts videos to motivate us. Sometimes I think it is to show us how fortunate we are and how much we have and we need to stop complaining so much. I also am wondering how Mr. Buxton comes across these videos. It is really interesting.

  27. I like your quote for your picture Jess!

  28. Thanks Jordan I like your picture as well.

  29. Yes to all your questions Elysia... It is a waste of time learning to read and write if we can't function in society or if we haven't got anything important to read and write about. Videos are supposed to get you all to see what else is out there. I get many from you tube. Often, students share videos they have found and I put them up. sometimes other teachers share videos.

    +1 to everybody that posted tonight


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.