
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Structure Your Essays

Use this link to go to: Essay Structure lesson

Using the evidence collected from today's class, write up the 2nd paragraph of your essay. You do not need to write an introduction or state the claim. Just write the second paragraph. Use either of these questions below to help. You must turn in digitally in Research Based Mini Lesson: file under today's mini lesson title.

1) Your research listed in order of importance
2) The paragraph  that explains the facts. The paragraph will contain:

  •          Reference to the claim
  •          The Supporting idea
  •          Multiple quotes sandwiches
  •          Transitional Words
  •          Warrants
Due: Thur

Write a  supporting paragraph from either of these two thesis statements.  Remember to begin the paragraph by referencing both your supporting idea and the original claim!

       Despite the fact that an adoption of a  1:1 program in Middle Schools requires an immense capital outlay and more professional development and training for faculty,  these initiatives should be compulsory across all forward thinking schools. Laptop technology in the hands of every child leads to more engaged and motivated students. The empirical data also suggests that students exposed to a 1:1 environment are simpler smarter than those using less contemporary approaches to teaching and learning

Even though teenager students can be more creative using computer software and web 2.0 tools, the use of 1:1 laptop program in middle schools leads to distracted students and the empirical evidence does not prove that students learn more with computers. The extreme financial burden on school to run and maintain computers in the hands of every student solidifies the argument against technology statured classrooms.

Remember: You just need to write '1' supporting paragraph


  1. Thank you for posting all of the criteria for the paragraph Mr. Buxton! Today was a fun lesson

  2. Mr. Buxton I finished my paragraph.

  3. isn't the word study test tomorrow?

  4. Should I post it here in comments

  5. No Jessie,
    he will get it from your file that is in his drop

  6. Ok Jordan. Your Welcome Rehaan

  7. I was thinking back on the debates in class today, and realized that the one thing the group who won did that we didn't, was use really good eye contact. One thing that I think our group did (Charlie and I) that the other group didn't do, was use lots of pathos. For example, when Charlie and I were trying to make our point, we put emphasis on key words to make them stand out, we also stood up while we were talking, and we also used anecdotes. I think the other group (Sabrina and Kai) did a really great job putting together their logos and pathos in a way that they blended together effectively.

    - Marium
    - Block E:F

  8. Marium that is AWESOME to realize what other groups did that you didn't. I think I should do that more often! It is also great that you thought about what you and your team mate did well!


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