
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Active Listening and Learning to Focus

In today's 5 minute society, maintaining effective classroom focus is an important 21st century skill. Being present simply is NOT enough. Learning to Focus - Which areas do you need to work on?

  • Eye Contact
  • Note Taking
  • On topic questioning
  • Hand raised
  • Good posture
  • Learner focused body language
  • Quiet
  • Patience
  • Actively contributing
  • Respect for peers

How will use what you learned today to become an active listener in the future?

Add comments for +1 points sharing your take-aways from today's session. In Thursday's class, you will share how you applied your 'focus skills' across other subjects.

C/D and E/F Classes
Your 2nd reading response should be linked to the file on the right side of the blog by the end of today. You may use any reading responses practices that you have done in class.

Membean - You should complete a minimum of 50mins of Membean this week. (30 in class and 20 at home)

All book club books need returning by Thursday, so I can redistribute the titles. Please bring them in tomorrow if you are done with the novel. 

All classes
You will have between 20-30minutes to put the finishing touches to your 'scene' for tomorrow.
Approx. length is 1-2 pages.

Advice - Listen to your P.E. teachers - Make sure you warm up before sport!!!



  1. When we had to think about flowers. That is all I thought about. I though that i was there in the middle of a bright brown and green meadow with daisies and Sunflowers everywhere. Then dark clouds cam rolling in. It was so dark but the brightness of the flowers lit up the sky. It describes more about the scenery then flowers, but that is what I thought about.

  2. Todays class was a great mind opener. I was really surprised. This is what I put on my blog:

    I also have learned that it is hard to teach especially when 1 person starts something and the whole class goes with that. Nobody is participating anymore. They are talking about something totally different. For example, I got one person to answer a question but I basically had to say what is it? And then they told me and started laughing again.

    I have realized a lot and especially about my own distractions.

  3. It means that you are able to focus Jess. That is why you are learning so much.

  4. I don't understand thew scene. What is it about, do we use certain grammar techniques, is it a true story, is it fictional? And basically, what is it? I learned from my five minute session with Mr. Huang that I have a good focus, I just don't know what to focus on!

  5. I don't understand thew scene. What is it about, do we use certain grammar techniques, is it a true story, is it fictional? And basically, what is it? I learned from my five minute session with Mr. Huang that I have a good focus, I just don't know what to focus on!

  6. Sorry, I don't know why it posted twice!

  7. Is there a certain place we're supposed to put our scene

  8. Yes. Go to the previous blog or just copy this link and it will lead you there.

  9. I learned that one thing that often distracts me, if when I am hungry. I often hear my stomach rumbling, and can't seem to focus on my work. I also learned that it's hard to avoid distractions, but it is up to you to decide not to be distracted by distractions.

  10. That is a good point Marium.... :)


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.