
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Realistic Fiction: Planning Grid

Files to drop RF pieces
C/D RF: Scene Assessment
E/F RF: Scene Assessment
G/H RF: Scene Assessment

All Classes
Complex Sentences H/W - Due Friday
Homework Task: Use this link to study your AAAWWUBBISS words

H/W Write x4 complex sentences. Divide up the dependent clause and the independent clause. Next to the sentence write N or Y if it needs a comma or not

e.g.  My sister likes to play tennis      because her father is an ex-professional      N
(Do the work in your Sentence Clauses Unit under today's mini lesson

Planning Outline for your RF story: Due Friday
This is a pencil and paper outline of your key ideas in your story. This does not need to be finished by Friday, but you should have made a decent start on it.

"Failing to plan is planning to fail" 

Reading Classes only
Remember: You should be at 50mins for Membean by Friday morning.

There will be no additional H/W added Thursday

Add to your calendars.
The final due date for your summative RF paper will be Thursday  Match 20th. Don't stress about this date. I am just giving you the heads up. 


  1. Thank you Mr. Buxton for telling us the date it is due :D
    Today's lesson was a thinking lesson. (every class is)
    I really felt I grew today while I was storyboarding. I jumped for idea to idea.

  2. Where would we write the four sentences?

  3. Can you send us a picture of your planning story graph to help guide us when we write ours. Thank you for todays class I really understand what you taught us. I also amended my other sentences to a complex sentence to teach myself.

  4. Jessica-
    Under independent practice for today's grammar lesson.

  5. OK thanks Jordan (;


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.