
Monday, February 3, 2014

Faithful Elephants

Enjoy Alexa's EXCELLENT, authentic reading response in its entirity. The authenticity of this piece and the engaging way that Alexa presents her ideas are techniques worth imitating.
"Learning is the transition from imitation to innovation"

Finish your 'thinking and talking about reading' entry on, 'Faithful Elephants.' What is the story trying to teach us? -
Students who were absent need to read this story. Start on page. 2
Faithful Elephants and complete a brief response. What is the story really about? Approx 100 words.

You should complete a minimum of 55 minutes of Membean practice this week. (x30minutes in school x25minutes at home. Spread your home study over a number of nights.) Learning Behavior grades go down if you do not complete the required practice time.

Extended Metaphor Poem: Due Thur 
You must add a new slide to your Poetry Portfolio with your extended metaphor.

Grading Criteria

  • You poem uses a single 'anchor' metaphor and continues to 'extend' that metaphor throughout the poem
  • Other metaphors that are linked to the anchor metaphor can be clearly identified in the poem
  • Your poem communicates a message/idea. - e.g. My life ain't no crystal stair - the idea is that she has had a tough life, but never gave up and keep reaching other goals.
  • Poetry format and structure with an effective title
  • Minimum 12 lines
This assignment is simple testing whether you can write a poem that contains an extended metaphor. Remember, not every line needs to be a metaphor.

Resubmitting Assignments: New System

I have added a file to the right side of the blog for resubmitting assignments. If you do not turn your work in on time or wish to resubmitted, you must put the link to your resubmitted work in this file if you want to get your work regraded. If you are absent from school, any missed work should be resubmitted here. Work that is not turned in on time, automatically receives a failing grade until it is resubmitted. To get this grade changes, it is your responsibility then to get the work to me. I will NOT chase you up for work.


  1. Great Job on your reading response Alexa! You were very expressive in portraying your ideas and thoughts!

    The book we read in class today was very powerful, and another way I thought of how the elephants are symbolic to the story in the same way that Rue on the bed of flowers in the hunger games is symbolic. They are both symbols of the weak and innocent who died because of forces greater than them. I just thought that was a good way to look at it.

    Thanks Mr. Buxton for the lesson today!

  2. Does anyone know when the reading response is due?

  3. Mr.Buxton I cant seem to access the website to the Faithful Elephants.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Riya, on the reading response sheet where you turn in the finished products it says the dates of when the next one is due.

  6. The lesson today was very cool because I felt like I am understanding more and more how to interpret books. I also realized different symbols

    Awesome job on your reading response Alexa!!

  7. +1 Kalia - notice the use of flowers to symbolize the loss of innocence.

  8. Kalia, I meant the faithfull elephant reading response. Sorry for the confusion.

  9. Riya,
    That just stay in your thinking about reading file.

  10. Thank you to everyone who said good job on my reading response!


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.