
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sentence Fluency and Realistic Fiction

Make  copy of this file and keep it in your bookmarks for 'Writing'

Unit 7 Sentence Fluency

Extended Metaphor: Further Examples:

Poetry Unit: Learning Reflections

C/D Class Learning Class
E/F Class Learning Class
G/H Class Learning Class

Dictation Emails - Change your parents live by sharing the trick you learned in school today! They will LOVE you so much more!


  1. Mr. Buxton
    Thank you for teaching us the cool trick today :)
    Today was really fun and the grammar thing is still kind of confusing but I do understand that a Simple sentence is an Independent Clause.

  2. So whats the Homework???
    Membean, Poem if not finished and is there anything else.

    I really did enjoy today. The trick was so cool. I am now using it for school. To be honest I'm actually using it right now. I feel as though the independent clauses what we write on today I might have learned a couple years ago not sure but it rings a bell. It is really cool with the short choppy sentences I thought that maybe useful in writing our Poems and paragraphs and so on and so forth.

  3. Thank you Jessica. I'm using it right now to to respond to your comment. I think this is a really useful tool to be able to get up ideas on paper really quickly. Do you agree? I love Siri.

    Although, it is very interesting you speak about independent clauses. If you read through your writing, you will see many sentences that are in fact independent clauses and need to be punctuated correctly. Next session we learn how to distinguish between compound sentences and simple sentences.

    Thank you Siri. I was able to write a really long comment. It didn't take me very long to do so. I now can go and play with my children.

  4. Membean is optional remember that you only need to do 25 minutes for the week. Finish poem. Thursday. Tomorrow we will stop with our realistic fiction social issues but clips.

  5. By the way, I have just realized that Siri works in Google Docs! However, it only works on the comments section. At least that's better than nothing!

  6. That's awesome Mr. Buxton!

  7. That is so cool. Thank you Mr. Buxton

  8. I do agree Mr. Buxton. Have FUN :)

  9. I told My Dad about the Trick and he was amazed.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.