
Friday, March 14, 2014

Dialogue Tips

Today, we discussed how we can improve our dialogue.

Training Memory
This is a TED talk on Memory. It is very interesting and perfectly gets across the point we have been talking about. There are a couple of inappropriate references and visualization scenes. I am sharing as I am confident you can see the purpose of the talk and be clear about what it is trying to get across.  The Power of Memory

This weekend I will put on a post of what to expect next week.

Have a great w/end!


  1. Thank you for all of your feedback today Mr. Buxton. It was very helpful. Thanks for giving us time to work on our essay. I found that VERY helpful.

  2. THat video is so cool. I think that Baker/Baker thing is so cool. I also think that it is cool that we remember funny things, weird things etc For example- When the guy said you won't remember what the first 10 words of the scenerio but you would remember who is sitting on the horse. I also like how he says you remember things Topic for Topic. Not Word for Word. I also agree when he said Distraction is the Competitive Memorizes problem.
    Even though that video is long, everybody should watch it!

  3. i see you are watching complex sentences a lot now!

    Baker/baker - it will get you through college (the average ones anyway)


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