
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Groups Where Characters Belong

Use the powerful lens of 'groups characters belong to in order to really show empathy or frustration with your characters. Add this technique to your list of ways to discuss books.

H/W All Classes:
Tomorrow: Your Sentence Clauses Memory Hook is due. Most of you should be able to drop a screen shot copy/pasted onto a slide below with your memory hook. Just make sure your slide has your name(s) on it. You don't have to do any additional writing, just the slide. If you have made a video, insert the video too. - If for any reason, your idea is difficult to capture in an image, just write a slide with your team names on it and state what it is you have done. Remember - This is a DEEP THINKING exercise. It is supposed to be a challenging! - Only when you are truly pushed will you produce your best... "The learning IS the struggle"

Clauses: Memory Hooks
C/D Class
E/F Class 
G/H Class

All Classes
Check yesterday's post to see recommended online grammar practice and 'Ask the Teacher' file.

Neat Trick for RF Writing - Let the computer do the work.


  1. Today's lesson was so cool! I have never really put much thought into groups of characters before. It was really cool and I have noticed lots things about my main character that I didn't notice before.

  2. It is such a simple technique that leads to much deeper empathy for our characters. The skills is building up our knowledge of all the vast and varied groups that characters can possibly fall into.

  3. I know I mean I notice groups but not so in depth and not so much in stories.

    When I notice groups, I notice the obvious groups.
    (Complex Sentence)

  4. You pay attention Jordan. This is why you learn so much!


  5. When you write a sentence in quotation marks and then quote something that someone else said in those quotation marks, would you add more quotation marks?

    It is a really confusing question, but it is very important.

  6. I would think so but you need to show that something is what you said and something is what someone else said.

  7. Sorry that it said 7chealth, I was still logged in from health. But it was JESSIE

  8. You would quote the sentence using reported speech not direct speech.

    Direct - She said "He will come"

    Reported -She told me that he would come.


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