
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

NonFiction Reading Assessment

Reminder: No switching of seats while I am out today. 
Reminder: Drop your RR in the RR file on the right side of the blog. 8  C/D students  have not dropped their files  7 E/F students also need to drop their files too! - I will be locking this file tonight!

NonFiction Reading Assessment
You will use this article: Read, Kids Read. You are welcome to prepare notes on the article and bring them to class.  
You must:
1) Write a claim about the article (opening paragraph)
2) Explain your claim in detail  ( 2-3 paragraphs)
3) Conclude your claim by revisiting your key points ( 1 short paragraph )

You will also receive a writing grade for this piece. Be sure to express your ideas as articulately as possible using precise word choice, strong advanced sentences (you should integrate some appositives and absolutes if possible)

Non-Fiction Rubric

Your finished piece should go into these files. MAKE YOU LINK PUBLIC

You will have approx. 45mins to write AND explain your claim about a Nonfiction article. You may use the article. MAKE your link public!


  1. I have learned so much in this writing claim unit. I have learned how to write a Wider Context claim and I can already see my level of sophistication when I analyze pieces.

  2. did you drop a comma again?

  3. Yes.... Whoops
    So do we have to print our copy for tomorrow or Friday??


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.