
Monday, May 19, 2014

Use this link to go to: Phrases Test

Feature Article Kickers

Article Design: You will be expected to answer these questions with respect to your Feature Article graphic design in your 'craft moves' video

  1. Where did your colors come from and why did you choose them?
  2. Explain your font choice.
  3. How does your choice of colors and font enhance the meaning of your article?
  4. Explain how you are using the design principles (contrast, alignment, repetition, and/or proximity) as you start to design your layout?

This link gives you some design examples: Feature Article Design Examples

H/W - Your Feature Article first draft should be finished by Wednesday. In class Wednesday, you can use the session to redraft, edit and compose your -Craft Moves Video ( This can be a screen recording) 
 Feature Article Rubric 

Reading Classes
Tomorrow, you will do your in class Non-Fiction Reading Response. You may use any notes that you have already prepared for the NF article. Those students who have not had their own article approved by me in advance MUST use this article
Non Fiction Reading Response Rubric

Printed color copy of your Feature Article is due: FRIDAY - There is no resubmission for this piece. It must be turned in on time.  You will also email me a pdf. copy (I'll explain how to do this later in the week)


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.