
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Growing Anecdote into Memoir

Recap of Grammar Lesson (Add this image to your grammar notes)

The Friday Message (due to shortened week)
This is POWERFUL... Look into your past and let whoever it was know how much a difference they have made. Win +2 if you do it and write a comment about what you told that person. (Maybe this material could also be used as part of your memoir?)


  1. I told my mom that I truly owe most of my sucess academic-wise to her. Last year, when I wasn't doing so well and fell apart gradually due to poor grades, it made me up give up on hope and that the highest grade I will ever get is a B and a few A's here and there. But when I think of what got me to try again and perservere in that second semester, I always remember my mom. Whether happy or angry, tired or energetic, she pretty much supported me the entire way through and pushed me to try my hardest. Even though everyday, I say "I love you" to her, and though sufficient enough, I always wanted to thank her for helping me through all of my problems by doing more. But I don't think just words or actions can describe my gratitude towards my mom for always being there for me.

  2. I think success is a concept that varies depending on your age. This video dealt with people with jobs. But all the same, success is success. As for this early stage in your life, I think it can be more than just academic wise, but anything you've accomplished that you're proud of. In the long run, it'd probably be someone who I can't really thank, such as role models - many of which are dead, but left behind a great inspiration for people like me to strive for. But regardless of time, the one person who I always do and always will look back to is my mom. If I were a car that drives towards success, she's the one who helped make the engine, even though it's me who's driving. I told her that no matter what success I achieve, my mom is always in the backstage, responsible for some part of it. She's the one who motivates me, and crafts the root of all my ambitions and goals. In general, my message to her was that the only reason I'm successful is because she's the one who fabricated my motivation in the first place.

  3. I told my brother that he always cheers me up and that that has helped me to keep my head up.


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