
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How to write a claim

Lesson Recap:

We also learned to watch for RED FLAG moments in stories

+1 if you write as a comment a sentence containing an advanced subject about how to 'write a reading response'


  1. The advanced subject is in the final sentence.

    A reading response is a great way to communicate your thoughts on a book. Essentially, a good reading response can be divided into three segments. First is the claim. This is where the response's author can make a general statement of what he wants to say in the rest of the response. A strong claim is more than just an opinion and definitely more than a fact. It's an opinion that you could defend using evidence. The evidence goes in the next section. This is where you make referenced to the text and explain it to give examples that back up your claim. Finally, the conclusion wraps up your reading response by telling the reader what they should've learned from the reading response. Through a dynamic claim, convincing examples of evidence, and a definitive conclusion, a powerful reading response is made.

  2. A reading response is a way to tell what you think of a book and the experience of a literary work of the reader which in this can be either you or me.

  3. +1 Vadim.

    Thank you for your comment. Win another +1 if you can tell me two things that make a good reading response!

  4. A red ripstick, Bamboo longboard, three boys and a dad made up a skate team.


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