
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Identity Unit - Claims and Evidence

Lesson Recap

How strong is your claim about: What you have learned about yourself so far?

Win+1 if you add your claim to 'comments'

On Monday, you will write your first piece on your identity unit. This is your rubric. Optional:You may work on this on the w/end if you choose to do so.  G/H class - you may want to spend time thinking about your claim and evidence


  1. Standing up for your friends is harder than standing up to your enemies.

  2. The people who we really are, are stuck behind the shadow of the labels we get based on our name.

  3. An individual's atitude will define how he/she will cope with different challenges.

  4. When individuals display responsibility and good decision making, the individual becomes a better leader.

  5. A unique name cannot make a normal person unique, only a unique person can make a normal name unique.

  6. This class really helped me because I didn't know much about claims and evidence, i only knew how to make one. i did not know that there were different types of evidence


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