
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Core Values: Things I Won't Let Slide

G/H Class - YOU DO NOT NEED TO READ TODAY'S BLOGPOST. Make sure you are practicing your Parts of Speech, spending at least 5mins on your Membean and doing 20-30mins of independent reading. Keep your reading log up to date! I am no longer chasing G/H students for your monthly message. If you have a zero in PowerSchool for this, you know what to do!

Optional: Enjoy Varun's excellent MM poem

Make a copy of this file: Core Values
(Put it in your mini lesson 3 class notes)
Lesson Recap

What I Won't Let Slide...

  • Talk about 3 or 4 of your top core values.
  • Talk about 1 or 2 values that you would like to improve
  • Minimum x4 core values - Max x6 core values

For each core value you might decide to talk about a combination of:
  • Use a quote associated with the core value
  • Define the core value
  • Give one or two reasons why this value is important to you
  • Talk about situations where you have seen this core value happening in your life
  • Talk about what would happen if everybody did or didn't follow this core value
  • Talk about the 'dots' in your life and your world. How will you stop being influenced by them.
  • You own ideas
H/W C/D and E/F
  • Read and keep your reading log up to date.
  • Practice your 'parts of speech'

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