
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday's Lesson and Resubmitting Work

Tuesday's Lesson
 1) Recite the roots of the week with the actions
 2) 10mins of Membean
 3) Lesson 2 - What do I value (see below) - Do your writing in your digital notebook under mini- lesson 2

4) 20 mins of silent reading with reading partners.


Resubmitting Assignments, Missed Work or Late Work

I have added a file to the right side of the blog for resubmitting assignments. 

If you do not turn your work in on time or wish to resubmit for a higher grade, you must put the link to your resubmitted work in this file if you want to get your work regraded. If you are absent from school, any missed work should be resubmitted here. Work that is not turned in on time, automatically receives a failing grade until it is resubmitted. To get this grade changes, it is your responsibility then to get the work to me. I will NOT chase you up for work. If you have a '0' in powerschool for any reason, it will only be changed when you put the link (shared with me) in the resubmitted work place. DO NOT SEND ME AN EMAIL with your work in it. I get more than 50 emails a day that need my attention.  Your work might get lost. Once your work is in the Resubmitted Work File, it will be graded within 7 days. 

e.g. Links that might need putting in R.W.F.  now?

  • G/H class - All the people that did not hand in their monthly message by class today (Tue)
  • All classes - people that did not turn in their first 'claim' from two weeks ago.
  • People that did not complete the summative 'Claims and Evidence' test or wish to redo the summative test
Ask any questions you have about this under comments
Enjoy Ramu's exemplary piece that provides multiple pieces of evidence from his OWN work. He is not just regurgitating what was taught in class.

1 comment:

  1. When is the latest we can submit an assignment for re-assessment?


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.