
Monday, September 5, 2016

Email Home: A Walk Through Power School

H/W - Finish your email home. DO NOT SEND IT UNTIL TOMORROW

IMPORTANT H/W - ALL CLASSES  (C/D, E/F, and G/H)  DUE TUE. Come with an idea for a story about either - How you got your name OR a situation where people have treated you differently because of your appearance. Tomorrow (TUE) - you will write the 'story' about one of these events

Make a copy of this file and add it to your short cuts on your favorite bar

Lesson Recap

Today we stopped and reflected on how far we have come as readers and we shared some strategies on how we make our reading visible.

Powerschool Reflection Grading Rubric

Summative RR - Claims and Evidence.
Enjoy Luci's summative piece. Win +1 for writing a comment about what she did well in her piece. 

In the story “Thank You M’am by Langston Hughes the author does a great job of showing how important it is to have people that will lead others to do the right thing. Likewise, In “The Paperbag Princess” by Robert Munsch the main character, contrary to status quo is a  strong confident princess that stands up for herself. “The Paperbag Princess”does a great job encouraging others to be leaders. Similarly to both stories “The other side” by Jacqueline Woodson shows a young girl making sense of racial separation. All three of these books combined show that anyone can be a leader and has the power to make a change.

In a significant scene from "Thank You, M'am" by Langston Hughes, a lady teaches a boy (who tried to snatch a pocketbook from her) about the fact that she had done some bad choices in life too, and she didn't want this boy to suffer what she did. She wanted to make a significant and important change to the boy's life. “I have done things, too, which I would not tell you, son—neither tell God, if he didn’t already know." (Page 3). This shows courage that this woman has that she is letting out some personal information that people might not even dare to let out.  "And next time, do not make the mistake of latching onto my pocketbook nor nobody else’s—because shoes come by devilish like that will burn your feet."(Page 3). She is questioning the status quo by not sending him to jail. This also shows women's power that she is holding- she is using her past to change the future. All of this leads to the fact that anyone has the power to be a leader and to question the status quo- both men and women. Everyone has equal power in them, it's just about how they use it.

The scene from The Paperbag Princess, by Robert Munsch, when Princess Elizabeth goes to rescue her betrothed Prince from a dragon shows us that a woman (or in this case, a girl) can use her power in ways other than what a stereotypical princess (girl) does. An example of this would be after the prince was kidnapped by the dragon, the Princess didn’t ‘freak out’ like how any other girl would have done in her place. Instead, ‘she decided to chase the dragon and get [Prince] Ronald back.’ And she went on, though she had no clothes on and all she had was a paper bag covering her. Another example of this would be when Elizabeth was outsmarting the dragon. ‘“Wait,” shouted Elizabeth, “Is it true that you are the smartest and fiercest dragon in the world?”’ (pg. 14) In the scenes following this dialogue, Elizabeth was tricking a dragon into tiring himself  so she could save her prince without any physical harm or bloodshed. When Prince Ronald is rescued and shows how ungrateful he is toward the Princess saving his life, Elizabeth used her power and rejected Ronald right then and there

In an inspiring scene from  The Other Side by Jacqueline Woodson Clover is questioning the status quo and finds out that just because the way people live is a certain way doesn’t mean it’s right. In one of the most important scenes of this book Annie girl from the other side of the fence asks if she can join Clover and her friends in jump roping but Clover’s friend immediately said no. “I don’t know what I would have said. Maybe yes, maybe no.”. At this point in the story Clover is perplexed. She is perplexed because her mother and friends are so against the people living on the white side of the fence. Then when Annie invites Clover to sit on the fence with her both of them realize that doing what you know to be right even though others say not to is sometimes okay and even a positive action to take “But she never said nothing about sitting on it.” “ Neither did mine” replies Clover. In this moment Clover shows that anyone (even little girls) that can question the status quo has the power to be a leader.

People normally believe that you have to be “important” or well know to be a leader. The paperbag princess, Clover, and the lady from “Thank You M’am” show us differently, all of these characters took it upon themselves to change the way life is lived for themselves and others around them, showing that just about anyone willing can be a leader. “A leader is someone who demonstrates what’s possible”- Mark Yarnell.


  1. You did well on citing your evidence!

  2. Luci balanced out how much evidence she put into her writing with the writing itself. This helps the reader understand the piece better, and the reader isn't reading piles of evidence. -Caroline M.

  3. Luci did well on making sure her evidence fit her claim.

  4. Luci did a good job of citing her evidence, and balancing out her analysis with her evidence and claim. She also kept repeating her claim throughout her piece, so readers can see how it connects to her evidence and analysis. - Tanisha

  5. you did well on using a quote.

  6. In the introduction Luci did a good job of introducing her 3 book without giving long summaries about them.

  7. +1 for all those that contributed.


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