
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

H/W - All classes (C/D E/F G/H) - FOR NEXT WEDNESDAY -
Bring in two items that you value. Be sure to ask your parents for permission!

Go to this website to see examples:
G/H Parts of Speech SUMMATIVE:
Make a copy of this file and add it to your short cuts on your 'favorite' bar

Lesson Recap,

Today we learned that we can measure the quality of our writing using three categories:
Meaning     Craft     Structure  (and Language)

You must alway be able to answer this question "What moves have you used as a writer?" 

After CWW, you have a  4 DAY WEEKEND. Make sure you read a book. For the academic year to date, to stay on tract you should have read between 3 (meets) 4 or 5 (exemplary) books by Wed. 14th Sept.

Don't forget to bring in your CWW tomorrow!

Exemplary Email Sample for Powerschool Analysis

Hi mom and dad,
I hope your having a good day so far. In this email I am going to explain to you guys what PowerSchool is and the grades in it. PowerSchool is where I can see all my grades. My first grade is a formative and it was a diagnostic test that we did on The 8 Parts of Speech. I got a below but after a week I had studied all the parts of speech and learned a lot when I was studying. Later when I took the summative test I got a meets and I learned a lot so I was proud, I did get three questions wrong though and I know now I need to practice conjunctions and adverbs. To practice this I can use noredink as a tool to work on my conjunctions and adverbs. I want to try to go further and get an exemplary and to get an exemplary I have to do further practice in noredink.In three weeks I am going to be able to retest to get my exemplary.

We had one activity we had to do which was decorating our reading notebooks. I learned a lot about myself when I was decorating my readers notebook because we had to connect all the books together with a theme and I learned what reading really meant to me. I got an exemplary on this and I am pretty sure I deserved it. My theme for all my book was, "The key to my heart is reading." I understand why I got this grade, I had a linking theme to connect all my books. 

For my summative on writing a claim on the music video, "Wings". I got an approaching my claim wasn't very clear. "Your claim needs to be expressed as a clear idea in one sentence that has two
parts... e.g .what happens when people realise their appearance isn't what is important?" This is one comment that Mr. Buxton wrote on PowerSchool. The same thing happened on my Summative: Claims and Evidence, I got an approaching there too but if I keep practicing and do better next time my grade can be improved. One comment Mr. Buxton wrote on PowerSchool for my summative claims and evidence was, "Your argument is that all these characters ‘became happier’ by helping others - but you do not explain ‘how’ they were better or in what way they were happier. Were the characters happier for what they did? How do you know? There is no evidence to support your claim. Was Elizabeth happier when she realised the prince was a ‘bum?’" To get a better idea of what a good claim is like I could read the students claim who got an exemplary grade.

I have learned a lot about different strategies to collect my reading. I am going to use compare and contrast and as well as see think wonder. Compare and Contrast is what it sounds like it's when you take notes from your book and compare them to other notes using for example a t-chart. See think wonder is another strategy and that is when you make three columns and in the see column you write what you see from what the book is telling you. In the think column you write what you think about the characters, where they are coming from if they are walking, what they look like that the book doesn't tell you. Lastly, in the wonder column you write what you are wondering about that particular scene or the characters. I just started a new book which is called, "The Missing Girl." So far it's a really good book and I am using a t-chart to gather my reading notes.

I am also using a program called Membean where I am learning new vocabulary words and widening my vocabulary range. Every week to get exemplary you need to do at least 40 minutes of membean a week. Sense I did do more than 40 minutes a wee I got an exemplary. I can try to spread out the amount of membean I do throughout the week. I think membean can be vital when wanting to learn new words. We also took a membean test were I did get four questions wrong but I put those four words down on my membean note taking sheet and proceeded to study them. I did get a meets on that test. 

RLA class is like a jigsaw puzzle, hard to put all the pieces together but in the end the beauty of the picture is all worth it and sometimes you loose a piece but in the end it always comes back.

Comment on the strengths of this piece for a +1


  1. he compared rla to a jigsaw puzzle.

  2. He or she gave background information to let his parents know what PowerSchool, NoRedink, and Membean was, in case they were confused about them.

  3. Thank you +1 for your contributions.

  4. She/he described each aspect in depth to make sure their parents understood what they were trying to get across.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.