
Monday, November 7, 2016

Interpretation through Association

Lesson Recap: Going forward - Use these techniques to help you better explain/interpret ANY events in ANY subject.

Word Banks

H/W - Finish your quote sandwich. Read your book club to your assigned page. You will have a book club conversation tomorrow. Come to class with a 'pivotal' moment in your story to discuss. 

Speeches for the 7th-11th Nov
Tue Nandita and Miku (C/D)Ayla, Lance, Jack (G/H)  Subi/Neel (E/F)
Wed Anika R. and Duy (C/D) Sarah B./Ian (E/F)
Thur Sebastian and Shreya (C/D) Arsh, Eric, Grey (G/H) Ming Jin/Charlotte (E/F)
Fri  Faris and Ryan and Tanush (C/D) Nate/Anya (E/F)

THIS THURSDAY (a day earlier), you will  begin writing your second 'quote sandwich' for your book club. Your book club should aim to finish reading your book by  Wed.


ADVANCE WARNING: The final day to resubmit any work from the first semester will be Fri Dec. 2nd. No work resubmissions are allowed in Dec. after this date as report cards are being written. You may what to check through PowerSchool to see if there are any assignments dragging down your grades.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Mr.Buxton, do we memorize a quote for the monologue speech?


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