
Friday, November 4, 2016

Recap of Today: This is a student mentor quote sample from last year

For Monday's class - Come  with an idea only - what was an important event in your life? - You just need an idea!

Thank you for working so hard this week. This is a head's up of what is happening next week. 

Analogical Interpretation Techniques: These are simple, but powerful  strategies to help you  better interpret the books you read

Opening and Delayed Adverbs

Book Club Talk - Assessments (You will be assessed on how well you contribute to a book club conversation using this rubric below. Each book club will be given a day to talk in front of the teacher Tue-Thur for 10-15mins)

This  image is a list of tips and tricks for advanced discussions. Which vocabulary terms could you use?

Beginning of Monologues (Tue x2 people per day)- I am noticing people are 'not' signing up. We will draw names from a hat.The rubic for your delivery is the same as the book club rubic above.

Speeches for the 7th-11th Nov
Tue Nandita and Miku (C/D)Ayla, Lance, Jack (G/H)  Subi/Neel (E/F)
Wed Anika R. and Duy (C/D) Sarah B./Ian (E/F)
Thur Sebastian and Shreya (C/D) Arsh, Eric, Grey (G/H) Ming Jin/Charlotte (E/F)
Fri  Faris and Ryan and Tanush (C/D) Nate/Anya (E/F)

Next Friday, you will write your second 'quote sandwich' for your book club. Your book club should aim to finish reading your book by next Wed,Thur at the latest.

Membean Minutes for last 2 weeks

ADVANCE WARNING: The final day to resubmit any work from the first semester will be Fri Dec. 2nd. No work resubmissions are allowed in Dec. after this date as report cards are being written. You may what to check through PowerSchool to see if there are any assignments dragging down your grades.


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