
Sunday, November 13, 2016

Research Based Argument

G/H CLASS - If you  received a 2nd email this evening with scores for Adjectives/Adverbs in - ignore it. I was just testing something.

Opening and Delayed TEST link: Read questions carefully

Use these resources for your Reading Pre-Assesment
Task 1: Response to “Listening to Music while Studying” (Video)

ALL CLASSES - You must finish the email home and CC on your email. Complete by Wednesday please.  (If you do not have a grade in PowerSchool for  'November Email' - I do not have your email. )

ALL CLASSES - By Friday's class - You need to finish the online grammar preassessment waiting for you in NoRedInk

4- student  provided specific and precise evidence of their learning
3-student provided some evidence of learning
2- student stated what was taught but struggled to present evidence of their learning
1- student did not complete the assignment

ALL CLASSES - By Friday's class - You need to finish the online grammar preassessment waiting for you in NoRedInk.

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