
Friday, November 11, 2016

End of Unit - Techniques for Interpretation

Congratulations on finishing your text interpretation unit. The expectation is that you continue to sue these skills not just in RLA but across ALL subjects going forward.

Reminder - Opening and Delayed TEST - Mon. Look at last week blog posts for some practice videos.
Image result for opening and delayed adjectives test practice

Next Week
New Grammar Unit - Techniques of Rhetoric - Go to NoRedInk to  take the 'Techniques of Rhetoric' Diagnostic test (Due: By Fri 18th Nov)

Speeches for the 13th-18th Nov
Mon  ?- (C/D)Aamir/Emily (G/H)  Nate/Anya (E/F)
Tue - Lukas/Micheal (C/D) Caroline/Siri (E/F)
Wed - ? (C/D)Angela/Ella  (E/F) Jacob/Hunter (G/H)
Thur  Aaron/Micheal N (C/D)   Natacia/Zach (E/F)
Fri   Christian/Ethan C/D) Swayer/Sarah D (E/F) Ashly/Serena (G/H)

We begin Argument - Reading and Writing - Next week
C/DArgument Adversaries
Anika R -v- Micheal N
Miku & Nandita -v- Duy
Luci -v- Sebastian
Christian -v- Lukas
Shreya -v- Micheal K
Piper -v- Zain
Tanush -v- Sean
Ethan -v- Faris
Keya -v- Anika K
Ryan -v- Aaron

E/F - Argument Adversaries
Neel -v- Isabel
Veronica -v- Caroline
Ella -v- Tanisha
Siri -v- Sara D
Dominic - Natacia
 Sarah B -v- Anya
Arnab -v- Sreshth
Ian -v- Min Jing
Angela -v- Zach
Charlotte -v- Subi
Swayer -v- Nate

The Friday Message - This is quite appropriate considering what has recently happened and the work we plan to do.

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