
Monday, August 28, 2017

MAP Week

Membean Notetaking Sheet - Make a copy of this file

No new H/W between Monday and Wednesday. - Make sure you are reading your 30mins.

Reading Volume Assessment Thur
500+ Pages - Exemplary (Approx 2+books)
400+ Pages - Meets (Approx. 2 books) book)
250-400 Pages - Progressing (Approx 1
<250 Pages - Below

You need to keep your reading log up to date to gain credit for the material you have read.

Sample answer for the CRAFT  Question from Michelle (G/H) +2

Find a craft move the author uses to reveal the theme. One technique the author uses to show the theme is dialogue, especially at the end when the girl is having the conversation with the woman and the woman tells her she never really realized what a beautiful house she lived in until they accidentally wondered in. Dialogue openly expresses feelings and how people feel after certain events. Dialogue is raw, and it cannot be changed once it's said, unlike texting or other forms of written communication. This conversation with the woman the girl had 30 years later shows the feelings of the woman for the girl 30 years after she walked into her home, and what she told the girl is something she can't take back, so either she meant what she said, or she was completely lying, but whatever she meant behind her words, she can't change them now.

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