Review the SSS technqiue sentences we studied today. Win bonus plus points for any SSS technique sentences your write on the blog.
Do something toward your freeenterprise script tonight.
e.g. examples might be:
write some of your own part
- choose some of your daybook vocabulary and try to put it into some sentences that you can use in your script.
- create some compound/complex sentences that you can use in your script.
- make a list of ideas of events that will happend in your script
Abby- From being a good writer, to becoming an amazing writer, Mr. Buxton has taught me so much.
Abby- From sweaty towels, to helmets, and pads, football is an extrodinary sport.
From scoring touchdowns, to tackling people, and intercepting passes, my favorite sport is football.
From slide tackles, to challenging shots, and juking opponents, soccer epitomizes a spectacular sport.
From feeling the rush, to winning lots of races, swimming is my favorite sport.
colin urs is really good same with every
From the rustling of papers ,to sitting on the couch ,reading is my favorite past time.
I love yours GG
Not only does Mr. Buxton teach writing but also he teaches reading.
abbey - first one -no -Why?
second one -yes
bennett,gg,colin - yes
sophie, no - ideas don't relate to the sentence
From the horn of the win, to the last second shot, basketball is my favorite sport.
From discovering new formulas, to taking very hard notes, math is my favorite subject .
Thanks GG : ) yours is good too ; )
2nd try
From sculpting clay, to painting on canvases, art is one of my favorite subjects.
ouch GG... WHY?
better sophie +1
mr buxton for the skit thing if you have three people, do you have to incorporate all of everybody's person that they did research on or could we just have two people
what is our hw for humanites???
from steak and mashed potatoes, to doing my science experiment, and going to guitar lessons, yesterday was a busy day.
Lauren, our homework is working on the skit and doing your sentences again if Mr.Buxton told you to.
From sand scraping my face, to cold salty waters, and a distant crashing sound, I love the beach.
Is the sentences to fix an option?
From doing tondos, to learning grandjetes, dancing is so much fun and a thing i love.
lauren - yes - all of each person's entrepreneur.
martha - steak and potatoes has nothing to do with the other topics
Gauruv- events need to show some sequence - ewhich happended first?
Bekah - too may banned words
Eliza- distant crashing sound - doesn't really fit the group
Feel free to comment on other's if you can see an error
2nd try: from learning different chords, to playing different songs, and playing with my beautiful guitar, playing guitar is one of my hobbies.
Mr Buxton, can you put an and after a comma in an S.S.S technique?
From sand scraping my face, to cold salty waters, and a distant crashing sound of the white capped waves, I love the beach.
Hi I just created an account
Here`s a sentence: From shredding toys to giving that cute look, Tori is a great dog.
from making money to donating for nature, Tom Chappell is a busy man.
Is that a '2's technique?
You forgot a comma after toys, Quin.
Does anybody know what a '2's technique is?
Oh sorry.
oh. thanks.
adit, i do not. sorry!
from running around the basepath to making that diving catch and smacking a double, baseball is truly amazing.
For a for, to, and sentence you should have a comma before and + to
In other words it makes the facts or clauses into 1 sentence
From the bright colors of coral, to the high clicking sound of dolphins, and the devastating seen of a shark attack, the ocean life has many wonders.
From putting on a harness, to chalking up your hands, and going up the wall, climbing is a fun sport.
From exploding experiments, to jawdropping surprises, and mysterious formulas, science is my favorite subject.
Quin, I think you forgot a comma after to.
From one dollar bills, to hundred dollar bills, the Federal Reserve protects the currency of the United States.
From bags of leaves, to smelly leftovers, and rusty tin cans, Wednesday is garbage collection day.
That is really good Gracie.
good ones gracie
great descriptive words and great detail
I loved the part about rusty tin cans
Mr. Buxton,
Do you remember when i told you this morning about the glenn Beck animation and you asked for the link well here it is. If it doesn't work I will tell you how to get to the video via your computer
Sorry didn't know how to make this a link so just copy and paste.
try #2: From leaping into the high airs, to pointing toes on flat, ballet is a wonderful dance
Mr buxton i know not many people use "stuff" in their writing but can we banned the word?
From the annihilation of the city of Pompeii by the epic volcanic eruption, the devastation of Indonesia by the monstrous tsunami, to the magnificence of Mount Everest, and the serene beauty of oceans, nature expresses itself in diverse ways.
Wyatt- From teaching school, to playing the harp, Mrs. Graham has had many different jobs.
From howling winds, to slippery mud, and the constant rat-a-tat-tat
of rain hitting your helmet, football practice in the rain was completely awesome.
Abby- From scoring goals, to wearing sweaty socks, and crossing the ball for the winning goal, when I play soccer it is thrilling.
Quin, you need a comma before the and on your baseball sentence.
Did I just teach one SSS technique yesterday? Seems as if 'everybody' forgot abut the other two!!!
Mr. Buxton, here's another one:
Intense basketball games , heart pumping tennis, mind stimulating chess, and enriching math clubs make my schedule very exciting!
From showing you your homework, games to help what you learned, and exchanging plus fixing sentences you created, Mr. Buxton's blog is a useful gadget.
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