Key Concept - Remember, that your Math Reference Book and Student Journal (when used correctly and interchangeably) are smarter than your teacher!
Congratulations Emma on your use of H.O.T.S. (Higher Order Thinking Skills) when talking about your reading in class today! Remember, anybody can talk about what they are reading, is is your ability to talk intellectually about your reading that will make you stand out!
We will continue the writing prompt in class tomorrow.
- Final Draft of 'Where I'm From' in tomorrow. Sammy Snakes are awarded for pieces of work that are unique.
- Bring in the USB full of photos. Approx. 10-20 (Do not worry if you cannot do this by tomorrow)
- Math Study Link 1.1 (the package i gave that you put inthe red folder. Do not work ahead!)
i sent you the email with the poem on it, mr buxton.
Up North
I come from the city of maple leafs and the smell of maple syrup in the morning.
I come from a place where pucks fly up the frozen lake.
I come from the town of the Hockey Hall of Fame.
I am from the show with a big bang.
I come from Big Ben, cookies and Tea.
I come from Boston pizza and saucy pasta.
I come from the city in the west side of town.
I come from the city of Niagara wonder.
I come from a place of barns and windmills.
I come from a place of wet rainy skies.
I`m from a Maple Leafs strive.
I live in only one season: the hot, sunny season of summer.
Mr. Buxton, do I need the comma after hot in that sentence?
Mr.Buxton me and my dad are coming in early he wan't to met you. I forgot my math homework can I do it in the morning.
I really liked everything we did in science today.
I agree with Camille science with Ms. Clayton was really fun!! I also liked how we got to read a lot today!
I like your poem,Harrison
I didn't know what the number patterns was? can you help me
does number pattern mean a poem with numbers in it?
What do you mean by "test", Mr. Buxton?
We will study this later...Basically, you must decide if the adjectives are coorinate or cumulative adjectives
coordinate - you can swop them around and the sentence make sense
hot,sunny and sunny, hot
(if you can swap them - then you need the comma. if you can't swop them, then you don't need the adjectives.) You decide.. can they be swaped?
Harrison - are leafs an irregular plural? hot tea or afternoon tea?
last line is weak. how many proper nouns and adjectives do you have?
Scott, don't worry about H/W - just do it over the w/end
Maya - saying 'I like' doesn't provide any info. Be more specific about what you liked e.g. his use of the Maple leave ( it mad e me visualize Canada.
All posts must be signed or they will be removed!
my internet was down
and i meant 'coordinate'
Thanks for the help! I will definitely start to sign my comments.
When i say 'signed', I mean that if your sign in name is your name that is OK. You don't have to rewrite your name again at the bottom of the post. It is for people who have sign in names that are obsecure eg. spacels360
Oh, Ok. Thanks.
Here is my poem Mr. Buxton
A Strange World
By Nakul Sharma
I'm from the Red Fort to the India Gate
From the boiling hot to the freezing cold
From Deepak and Pratima who also have an Annoying older daughter
I'm from where there's beggars on the streets and Blood in the air
From where the greatest civilizations began
From where cultural activity too
I'm also from Nihaarika one of the most annoying yet Helpful sister in the world
I'm from the polite to the rude
From the brave to the scared
I'm from the ones with no education, to the ones With plenty
From where people die for their country
From where people outsmart the world
Mr. Buxton? Is there a way to edit your comment?
Nakul, I like your poem. I like the way you used proper adjectives. Rohan
Same with Camille and Maddy I thought science was really fun.
Nakul, I like your poem. I like the way you use adjectives and ideas.
nice poem nakul
Hi mr.buxton is this better i made some changes.
Up North
I come from the city of maple leafs and the smell of maple syrup in the air.
I come from a place where pucks fly up the frozen lake.
I come from the town of the original Hockey Hall of Fame.
I am from the show with a big bang.
I come from Big Ben, cookies and afternoon Tea.
I come from Boston pizza and saucy pasta.
I come from the city in the west side of town.
I come from the city of Niagara wonder.
I come from a place of barns and windmills.
I come from a place of wet rainy skies.
I’m from a balmy Maple Leaf stride.
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