Use this link to inspire you to get ideas for settings and showing not telling index cards
Try to make a good start on this narrative tonight. You should have strong ideas or mini paragraphs on 3-4 of your index cards by tomorrow.Book Club - Make sure your contribution is ready for tomorrow's discussions
Great Explorer Research - THIS IS NOT A PRIORITY TONIGHT! (save for Tuesday night)
Spend 15-20 minutes collecting research for your famous explorer Nota.
Remember: Use www.qwiki.com & wikipeadia
Just need a little advice for my Slow motion part.
My legs slowly stepped forward. A bead of perspiration dripped across my swollen face. My friends, Johan and Kenneth, tried to make me contemplate, but I show defiance. As I make a stutter, I cautiously saunter to my target. Instinctively, I attack.
Am I going over the top with the vocabulary or am I creating a mood full of tension and suspense? Please give some advice as I'm stuck
So this is slow motion I like it.
Nakul. You are going a tiny bit over the top with the contemplate and defiance in one sentence, but it is good otherwise. I only didn't really get the part where you said 'My friends, Johan and Kenneth, tried to make me contemplate, but I show defiance.' First, how do people MAKE you contemplate and also, maybe you should say 'I showed defiance' not 'I show defiance'. Second, nice appositive!
Hi Emma! Maybe we shouldn't worry too much about the Chris Columbus thing, and instead work on our writing like Mr. Buxton suggested. If you want to, go ahead and research some more. If I have extra time tonight I'll work on it too.
Okay thanks so just to clarify showed not show defiance right?????
This our current events wallwisher Maya. I'm free after 5 since I have a class now, so please start posting around 5:05 okay? Thanks!
Yah maybe it would be better, but before changing it, ask other people's opinions, too. It does create the mood you want it too: tension/suspense, and it is well written, but too many vocab words can be too much sometimes.
yeah okay
By the way Mr. Buxton, for Student Council Mr.Kennedy lets us go to his class at 2:30 Thursday or Friday which day is okay? Mrs.Early says snack recess is fine
mr buxton, for the writing what do the orange red and white cards stand for? i have the green and blue done already.
Mr.Buxton wheres the link for vocab words
white stands for mood or setting red stands for showing not telling
orange stands for characters ok Sabine
ORANGE: Character
RED: Showing not telling
WHITE: Mood (setting)
BLUE: Opening
GREEN: Slow Motion
Sabine, the orange is for characters, The orange is for characters and the white is for the mood/setting the pink is for showing not telling (emotions).
Wonder Books :I am doing vocabulary. Do I have to do 3 per chapter in atlas we are reading 2 chapters by Tuesday (tommorow)?
I think 3 for the whole reading assignment is good enough, Anisha. I forgot my book club book at home but I might have found a way to be able to read it! Yay!
Good vocab Nakul.
try an appositive or complex, or compund
It was Alex.D again!
Emma, just to make sure so I don't read ahead by accident from last time. Is it chapter per session? o_o
Actually Nakul, after that paragragh you should use a little less vocab.
Who's Alex D and who's Alex the really awesome Argentine!??
Can we also add some facts to our personal narratives?
Yep sure Alex the Really Awesome Argentine
I am both. ( Alex Danielson) Its just that sometimes my mom is signed in with her gmail, so it comes up as Alex D, then I sign in as my self and it becomes Alex the really awesome Argentine.
Today my OBOB desease is still high but I posted some better things!
(Obsessive Blogging On Blog) OBOB
I think I'm starting to get OBOB (Obessive blogging on blog).
A paragraph in my story
As Trevor bragged about himself to his so-called friends, ( I call them worshippers)Henry and Ethan, I silently peered across the white building capped with a green, sophisticated roof. Trevor strolled across the stone tiles, shoving anyone getting in his way. When he passed the wooden lift, I silently followed as my friends, Johan and Kenneth, couldn't do anything but watch.
Guys! NO SOCIAL NETWORKING on the blog!!! BTW How da ya like my paragraph! :-) :-D :-P
contemplate - what... sentence makes no sense... yes... less is often more friday is better
yes alex to addition of facts
nakul - don't go over the top with the adjectives...better to say just 'peered over the roof'
Nakul - make sure you are focuing on a seed
Maddy, I couldn't fond too many big words, so I just chose some words that are a bit advanced. You may know them. Another thing, this might actually be in the book, but a poindexter_ what a nerd was called around that time. P.S. I got this from Wizards of Waverly Place on Disney Channel just amazing! -Anisha from "Wonder Books".
My picture is about the Larry Dunn and Byron fight when Byron threw Larry Dunn.
Nakul count yourself as one of the OBOB victims. Thanks Mr.Buxton. Anisha you probably mean find.
Oh, and Nakul, your first paragragh is al little over the top. Its not a good idea to put two vocab in a sentence. You did that twice. less is more.
Thanx maddy, han and anisha.
Nice writing nakul, but i think u should kinda cut down on the vocab words, my suggestion: keep persperation, contemplate, and saunter.
I am not an OBOB victim I MEAn,I used to be, but I have not let the blog take over my life for a while. Maddy does not have OBOB, either
but he is being subjective. OBOB victims are guys who are there atleast 5 times a day. That would be Mr.Buxton since he makes it. Oops and you Alex
You know this cool fact! hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia!
Fear of long words!
Fear of the number 13!
Lots of people have Alourophobia - fear of reading aloud
I have Astraphobia- fear of thunder and lightning.
and Atychiphobia – fear of failure
Wonder who has Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia – fear of the number 666.
For all people that aren't in GATE novemtrigintillion is 1 with 120 zeroes after it also know as 1 to the 120 power
Turophobia - fear of cheese.
Special thanks to my friend Jeremy Nam who moved who sends me random emails about phobias
Hey Nakul, sorry I wasn't on at 5:05. My mom took me out for Subway after she finished work in the MS Library. Do you have an idea for the current event?
And Nakul it would be 10 to the power of 120. If it was 1 to the power of 120 it would be 1X1X1X1X1X ect equaling 1.
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