Don't forget: Friday is Sentosa field trip - You will need a camera. You are responsible if it gets lost. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR PARENTS' PERMISSION BEFORE TAKING THE CAMERA
IXL B. 16 compulsory
IXL B. 21 optional
RLA - Fantasy Story Settings - Collect research on your fantasy story setting
The way to begin is to try and find a picture of a place that is similar to where you would like your fantasy story to occur.
Collect research on a real place for the setting of your story. Facts you collect might be related to:
Names of Roads
- Possible businesses/shops
- Names of buildings
- Description of Vegetation
- Noises associated with the place
- Smells associated with the place
- Events that might occur there
- Description of movement in the place
- Typical weather for the place
With your facts - ask yourself the question: WHAT IF...
e.g. What if the roads were named Sir/ Madem - street?
e.g. What if the buildings were great towers?
Don't forget to add some 'fantasy elements' to your description.
Your research should be completed by tomorrow. You will write your final draft in class using tonight's reasrch.
Mr. Buxton, you said lots. Did you mean Lost?
ya i think so george and also you said we need one. do we need one or could have one.
jac, u no the other paragraph 4 the fantasy writing? just make that the setting. duh, why didnt i think of that?
one what
if any one forgot their rubric 2 be signed dont forget to do that today or u no what will happen
chatzy for everyone
password: sas123
chatzy for carter
admin password: pie
Yes I think he did George
I don't think you take take pictures in a museum, but i \may be mistaken
whats the password anisha
Mr.Buxton, this is quite messed up but Caroline and I are doing facetime and we were on Rachel's chatzy, chatting and Nakul was making fun of Caroline and me. Caroline was hurt because Nakul also said something really hurtful
about Caroline also on the other chatzy. BTW- ON the chatzy I am Han and Caroline is Cheese.
Here is proof.
millionsofpets cleared the room Feb 26Whaz-Up Girl joined the chat 16:27Whaz-Up Girl: heya! 16:27Whaz-Up Girl: waz up 16:27Cheese joined the chat 16:28Cheese: hero 16:28Whaz-Up Girl: HEy dog! 16:28Rachel is my name joined the chat 16:28Han joined the chat 16:28Nakul joined the chat 16:29Nakul: realy 16:29Han: who is whaz-up girl? 16:29Nakul: GOD DAMNIT!!! 16:29Rachel is my name: do u think we r like this sorry for some bad words like shut up and a$$ 16:29Whaz-Up Girl: word 16:29Nakul: HAte you idiots 16:29Cheese: nakul left his 4 rachels ha 16:29Nakul: **** You 16:29Cheese: excuse me 16:30Rachel is my name: 4 rachels what? 16:30Cheese: chatzy 16:30Nakul: Don't be Vickie Guerrero Caroline 16:30Whaz-Up Girl: djkasfh dog you messin wiht me 16:30Nakul: Go Die In a Hole 16:30Mr.Buxton joined the chat 16:30Nakul: Shut up whazup giel 16:30Mr.Buxton: excuse me Nakul 16:30Nakul: really 16:31Nakul: ReLLY 16:31Han: hello??? 16:31Nakul: I KNOW THIS IS NOT REAL 16:31Nakul: GET OUT 16:31Han: oh my dog Mr.Buxton! 16:31Nakul: NPW 16:31Nakul: OH MY FREAKING GOD IT'S MR BUXTON BUT IT'S TOTALLY FAKE 16:31Nakul: SO I DON'T CARE 16:31Mr.Buxton: no recess for the next month. 16:31Nakul: IM NOT STUPID 16:32Nakul: THANKS IDIOT 16:32Nakul: 16:32Rachel is my name: Nakul I'm telling on you 16:32Nakul: I KNOW IT'S FAKE 16:32Nakul: FINE 16:32Whaz-Up Girl: excuse me dog I don't apprerciate that word! 16:32Nakul: GO ON 16:32Nakul: BE A STEREOTYPICAL LAME BORING ALIEN/GIRL 16:32Rachel is my name: ya then you'll be in trobule 16:32Nakul: AND GO RUN TO MRB 16:33Han: yup u better be prepared 16:33Nakul: SHUT UP 16:33Nakul: HAN 16:33
mr buxton!!!!!!!!! if u look on the chatzys u will find nakul and what he is saying. anisha- cheeseburger, rachal- sas123,
Yes Mr.BUxton it is TRUE please believe us we would never lie!
BTW- we are not trying to tattletale but......
can it be okay if your setting for fantasy is inside
instead of camaras can you use your Iphone to take pictures for the field trip
I back up Han and Caroline. Some pretty mean things were said on my chatzy, too, today, but I deleted them. Luckily, Caroline and Maddy were there to defend me.
actually, i am berrysweetπ or berryberry, only occasionally cheeseburger
My Fantasy Work
Juliett Turman Reeiley really wanted her television back. She ranted and raved about it, but nothing worked to brig it back. Since coming to Prayloa, she knew she could find anything she lost in the three miles that Prayloa covered. Prayloa, with one school, 190 full time residents, one hotel, and 72 houses, was not the place to be on holiday. It only had seven televisions in the whole country, and six computers. Juliett finally got her seven friends who had helped her on so many different quests. With her almost 6-foot frame, blond hair and fair skin, Juliett was able to be hoisted up without much complaint, and camouflaged in with the peach colored roof tiles with an athletic arms dangle for a moment, before going up on to the top of the house. She waited for her TV to turn up somewhere, but when she reached the school bullies house, she got suspicious. She had been lurking around the house when the TV had gone missing. Rashkor’s room was a mess, near the door; on the left hand side of the room was a few socks missing pairs. On the right lay unwashed underwear and shorts, and in the misplaced cupboard was in the right corner, not containing anything but a few spider webs and old plastic spoons, forks and knives. Juliett managed a glance out the window, and noticed the black Sedan turning out of Sir Bradford Road and into the driveway. Juliett knew she had to act fast, so she broke all the rules in the book. She levitated the cupboard, disintegrated the wall behind it, and there it was, the TV. Suddenly, she heard a small click and there was Rashkor. Juliett activated her peach colored wings and grabbed hold of the TV as she disintegrated the wall in front of her to fly out. As she looked down on Prayloa for the first time ever, the sweet scent of the roses couldn’t be missed. And in a field of green, she saw red roses, dancing in the wind, as if saying come Juliett come. She flew over the four Mini-Marts in the country, and then flew over the biggest building, the Rosemary, the tallest building in Prayloa, The Foster. She eventually flew over Sunnydale beach and into the open sea. As the sun sank deeper into the sky, the weather stirred, and Juliett turned around.
When you abuse a privilege, you lose the privilege.
When you abuse a privilege, you lose the privilege.
Lurking?! That's how that writing is related to me?!
Mr.Buxton, that really was you?!
When you abuse a privilege, you lose the privilege.
Nakul- do you mind putting all your comments into one comment box? It just saves space, so people won't have to go scrolling through to find later comements.
well ummm I have no idea what WAS happening because I came waaaaaay later than everyone else and I have no idea, but I guess maybe it was kinda my fault too sorta cause you said I maay look small and innocent but on the inside I am just a wicked girl that kinda hurt me on the last post I commlenmented your singing cause I wanted to be nicwe and this is what I get.... I didn't do anything u were being mean too me....
Its okay Nakul, I guess I am sorry too....
mr. buxton, are you going to Telunas?
mr. buxton, are you going to Telunas?
yeah he is going, too. Sabine - can you remind me to go to the Telunas meeting tomorrow?
yay! mr. buxton is going. yeah i will remind u. is arielle also going to the telunas thing?
yup bye
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