12.6H/W - The major focus for this week is putting the finishing touches to your Singapore Project.
Due Date for your Social Studies Singapore History Project:
Wed May 23rdOn Wed, May 16, 2012 at 2:20 PM, Rebecca Madden
Hey Russell,
Can you let your kids know that we have really been enjoying the musical announcements your kids have been doing! We think they are really brave and creative to get on the announcements and sing!
Job well done!!!
Rebecca Madden
Singapore American School
Grade 3 Teacher
i106 - ext. 6222
and from Monday
My class is incredibly impressed with your kids - they are saying WOW! Those girls are so brave
Please pass that along :)
Mrs Hooykass
So cool!
OMG We're going to hollywood
GOOD JOB everyone who did the mornign annucements and good luck to Maddy and Rachel
GOOD JOB everyone who did the mornign annucements and good luck to Maddy and Rachel
wow Caroline your idea was not so bad after all
good job guys, even to the people who didn't make it!:)
thanks guys and good luck for Maddy and Rachel....
so u thought it was bad...
Aditiya and Zach -
Will you put you part of the script on the Google Doc anytime before 8:15 (8:00 would be best)? Thanks!
Anshia can u add the part that you wrote today at social studies
Sabine- Can you PLEASE put up the stuff u said you would put up on the google docs?????????????
sure... just got home. Have you rewritten the fall of Singapore?
Does anyone understand what the exclamation mark means on the math H/W on question 9? (eg. 4!)
Jacqueline you are doing the other study link... but I think it was a typo though...
ALEX,NAKUL AND CARTER- just use the document that we used before for the script...
Oh my bad. Thank you!
no i never said it was bad...
Ah! Thank you for reminding me to do my math homework!
Today in the evening I bruised my knee downstairs in my condo, and after that all my friends were crowding around me asking me if I was feeling alright. On the other I felt were hurt and I desperately needed to be alone and spend some alone time since I feel down. However parlaying this to the lesson we learned today that “When you have a choice between being kind and being right always pick kind” I knew that the right thing FOR ME would be to tell them to leave please, BUT the kind thing to do was to say yes thank I knew that the right thing FOR ME would be to tell them to leave please. However the kind thing to do was to say yes thank you for supporting me and luckily I knew to do the kind thing and everything worked out better because no one got hurt ( not physically) and no one felt angry or bad. Also probably if I did the right thing some of my friends would feel let down.
Riya- do you mean figurative?
Riya: Nice job!
Caroline- I think Camille said that because you thought it was a bad idea that we should sing, and she was just backing up that statement.
Aditiya and Zach -
Will you both put up your parts? Even if you put them in a comment here it's okay, but I really need them!
Harrisen- Pleeeeease go on the google doc!
That you for sharing that story Riya...As my mom used to say, "you hit the nail on the head" - that was a perfect application of the precept
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