You must finish writing your Social Studies person article tonight. Tomorrow, you will input the article into 'pages,' print it, and embed it into your blog.
Summer Reading Plan
This is another great resource to use to plan your Summer Reading
End of Year Math Test is tomorrow... Practice your weakest topic. The key to success - PROOFREADING (look for the red flag in the question) and READING QUESTIONS carefully!
I can't access the summer reading list doc
I can't access the summer reading list doc
Thor, I'll share the docs with you
I will share everyone the doc
Guys, for the social studies homework, do we write the 4th pargraph, nuanced, or just the intro, conclusion, and the first 3 paragraphs?
Tasha we are supposed to finish everything tonight
Also if you can't access the first link for summer reading, there is another link for the reading list. Just saying.
Because I wasn't here for nuances paragraph.
Karly, you already have the access to the first link if you check your email
do we need a printed copy of our essay when we're done? Also when we are done, can we work on our index cards that we can make? Thanks
I didn't hear the lesson on nuances. What should I do?
Try ur best Tasha
Karly, you don't print it and yes you can start your index card. Tasha the nuance paragraph is about how your person is confusing or complicated.
Guys, are we supposed to print the SS essay out, or do we just finish off our essay and read over it?
Guys, are we supposed to print the SS essay out, or do we just finish off our essay and read over it?
Casey has shared it with you on Google Drive.
Mr.Buxton can we color code?
but I don't have the doc
No, Ashlin'
No Ashlin we do not color code.
Where's today's post?
Where is today's post Mr.Buxton.
Where is the post for today ?? Mr Buxton
Guys, he said to just put your writing in first person or something. He probably didn't post today's post because he said what we needed to do in class.
No Casey, he said something about writing our introduction because we have to present it in class. He just wants us to think for ourselves and solve our own problem. Don't forget, he said something about using a picture frame or something to capture the audience's attention.
But Mr.Buxton, you did say something about you showing us the format on the blog. Will you tell us what that is?
And do we need the thing to capture the attention for tomorrow
Kayzad maybe bring it tomorrow just in case
Problem is I don't have a picture frame. Let's brainstorm for simple ideas
Is there any homework besides the first paragraph for our social studies presentation?
I remember MR. Buxton saying a student studying your famous person. But if your doing first person, you have to think of something different
No Aiden
Can you do your's from the perspective of a relative?
yes aiden. Kayzad, you dont have to do a picture frame. That was just an idea. The introduction thing is pretending to be the person you are being and doing what they might be doing, Kayzad.
So does that mean we can make up something they might like to do?
Do we have to make index cards or you can just read it from your computer?
Either Casey. The better one is cards.
Do we make up something they might like to do?
All we have to have ready by tonight is the hook, right?
Yes Karly we only do the first paragraph.
Ok, thanks, Sam!
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