A lot of new content covered today!
Grammar Recap:
Could you name the four advanced subjects and give examples if asked?
Can you use these advanced subjects in your descriptive writing going forward?
H/W Create you own 'slideshow of powerful memories' - Make sure the images you choose each hide a story. Minimum 20 images. Embed your finished product into your blog. Ask me if you need help with this
I opened up...so many stories behind these images....so must YOU!
Expectations: A minimum of 20 images - If you don't have access to images or the ones you want alternatives might be: draw a sketch, use an image that is symbolic of your idea i.e. a picture of any house could represent your first home. A stock image from google might represent one of your favorite toys. Use your creativity to 'mine for memories'
DUE: NEXT Tuesday
Shout out to...RIYA for her engaging writing piece: Notice how she has really tried hard to paly around with using advanced subjects.
Thursday - We will hear from the group winners of the book talks - so we can get a good idea of what a solid 'reading response' might sound like.
For FRIDAY - IMPORTANT! Bring an object that has special significance to you. If you cannot bring the object, bring a photo of the object
I am always available if you need additional help on any topics we cover in class!
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