Sharing your passion: David (Fri)
How do you spot bias in text?
C/D Class Answers
E/F Class Answers
Hero or Traitor?
Discussion Source #1
Discussion Source #2
Independent Practice: Can you identify the bias in one of the articles below?
Option 1
Option 2
Can you spot bias in the media around you?
+1 - What did you learn today about bias? - Add a comment to win
H/W Find a site/article/video that you believe shows bias. Give at least 3 reasons for why you believe there are elements of bias in the piece.
Due: Fri
Writing Classes: Reminder
Do not forget that you will be doing your Research Plan presentation to me on Friday.
Last night the Singapore International Student Film Festival had its awards ceremony. 1st Place!!!! - Great work boys.
BEST NARRATIVE WINNER: You have got to make those gains by Aryaman Sharman (with help from Jackson R.)
Hello! How's everything going?
Today's lesson was cool and it is interesting how bias can change your opinion.
Hey Camille how are you?
Hi Camille - Great so far. Kids aren't nearly as smart as you were, but I think they are learning something.
Take care
I learned that bias is presented in 3 specific ways:
1. Emotional Response- I haven't found this very much but it is used to connect with you and make you thing a certain way.
2. Opinions stated as facts-I find this happens quite a lot. Sometimes it seems like facts, but if you really think about it they aren't facts sometimes.
3. Considering information that has been left out on purpose. I found this in my bias article. They only give their side of the argument in yesterdays articles. Mine was he was a traitor. They gave no reason why he was a hero.
Do we have a Membean Test tomorrow?
I am pretty sure Yes Jessie
Nowadays, media can almost force an opinion into your head, using bias. This is most likely the reason that the world is the way it is. Because none of us, in modern day society, know all of the facts. None of us know enough to form our own opinion. We only know what media tells us. We only accept what we've been told if it has the right evidence to back it up. Even if there are missing pieces in the evidence. It makes more sense to simply go with what the media says, thinking it sounds legitimate, than to form your own opinion, and figure out what is really going on for yourself. We are practically hand fed information by the internet.
Thank you for putting my video on the blog Mr Buxton!
Thank you for putting my video on the blog Mr Buxton!
Thanks Mr. Buxton, I miss all you guys!!
Loved the video. I liked how it was about facts not bias or anything. I don't think is hero or traitor. It depends how we think about something. He is traitor from government perspective but for some he could be hero.
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