Recap and H/W
C/D class only - Finish your short piece of writing that uses 'simple sentences' - You should have written between 100-150 words. Highlight your simple sentences. Can you spot them in your paragraph and distinguish between tools and simple sentences? DUE WED!
E/F (Due Wed)
G/H classes (Wed)
Example from Victoria
Bonus Presentation
Some of you got the opportunity today to hear the 8th grade visiting author, Susan Campbell Bartoletti speak. Please write a comment on the blog stating what your biggest take-away was from today's talk.
H/W - C/D & E/F
30 minutes of Membean by Friday (50 mins for the week) - You will get a grade this week on your practice.
In Wednesday's class - you will write your first reading response. Make sure you have been recording your thinking. - You do not have to write about the entire book, just any aspect of the book that you think is signficant. Look at the Reading Response links on the right of the blog to see a typical RR from last year. - Make sure you are ready.- This will be your first summative for the second semester.
My biggest takeaway from today's lesson - well, lecture really - is that in order to be a writer, one has to learn anything and everything that interests them, to think and observe and notice and, of course, read and learn from other people's stories. Maybe that isn't just one takeaway, but it is the main point I learned from today.
My take away of today is that I read the book "The Boy Who Dared" and enjoyed it and I realized that the author probably enjoyed writing it as well.
Today the author said "you can always find time to do the things you love". This is important because if you don't do things you love, you will always have a very boring life. For example I love to bike and everyday I do as much biking as possible. In this way I hope to become very good at it one day.
It is difficult to simply choose one takeaway, since she talked about such diverse topics and genres. However, the most important I can sum up in 3 words: Writers are observers. To paraphrase the excellent movie The Grand Budapest Hotel, "One cannot simply conjure up stories from thin air." Mrs. Bartoletti showed us through her journals and stories she heard and the places she visited that she took inspiration for all these stories from somewhere. That was the most important takeaway I took from today.
One of my biggest takeaways was to be interested in what you are writing about because if your not interested no one else is going to be. :)
I have not one, but two equally important takeaways from today's auditorium lecture.
The first is that if one is truly—sincerely, heartily interested in a subject, one will do whatever measures to pursue and make time for that passion.
Secondly, I have learned that all stories need to have a shape. To further elaborate on what Mrs. Susan Campbell Bartoletti was explaining was that there needs to be, at first, a rising action—then a climax and then followed by a dramatic falling action and a resolution— and finally, comes the conclusion.
My biggest take away was you have to make time to do the things you love because time doesn't make itself. Another fairly big takeaway was to write about things that your passionate and confident about if your not then don't write it. DO your task no matter what small or big whole-heartedly.
For me, the biggest take away from the presentation by Susan Campbell Bartoletti is to find how to find and create the identities of characters within a plot. I often struggle trying to piece together my character making it difficult for my audience to figure out the normalities and the abnormalities of my character. However, from my learning in the presentation, if you base your character's identity on another person's identity, especially after weird or strange occurrences, you can actually define your character. Another take away for me is how you come up with the plot of your story. You can mix in elements from any genre to make a story that suits you and your wants. My final take away is the fact that it takes time to truly create and have enough background information about your story, no matter which genre. For Susan Campbell Bartoletti, it took 2 years to find all the basic information needed for "Hitler Youth". Another example of this is the whole creation of the Harry Potter series. In an article she explains that she not only needed the whole plot of the story, but the back stories (or what she calls "ghost plots") behind every action of a character. For me, this means that I can't expect to come up with a amazing fantasy story in one month of classwork, it'll take years of time and dedication. These lessons are reminders of what it truly takes to become an excellent writer.
The Presentation went well and I did take a lot of notes about it but I like that how she showed that how her day goes and what time she gets up and what she does when she gets up.
the biggest takeaway from this is what she said about how you must be a great reader to be a good writer and how you must be believe in what you are writing.
My biggest take away from todays lesson was that if a story works as a non-fiction you should wright it that way. I also learned that to wright a story you need to use your 5 senses. That Is why it is good to go and visit the place your talking about.
My take away from the presentation was that you can write about anythhing.
This is important because as an author you have so many ideas. But just because you have an idea doesn't mean you just write abouot it. you have to put it into a story. Like Non-Fiction Relistic Fiction or fantasy.
By writing a stroy you have to have thet setting Character Character Motivation and Plot. Authors write about things they like, love and they dont know.
My biggest take away from todays lesson was that if a story works as a non-fiction you should wright it that way. I also learned that to wright a story you need to use your 5 senses. That Is why it is good to go and visit the place your talking about.
+2 for everybody who contributed!
My biggest takeaway in the author's speech is that I have to have a topic I'm interested in to have a good novel/essay. I also learned that a good reader is a good writer.
My biggest take away is to never wait until I have free time to write, but I should always make time to write
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