
Friday, December 4, 2009

Brag Sheet - Narrative

Read  Forrester's narrative. See the impressive integration of proper nouns in his work ?

Baseball Tryouts
“One who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”

As I step into my dad’s navy Suburban car, I am struck with nervousness. I put on my Adidas baseball cleats after hearing my dad give me advice on pop- flies and grounders. Trepidation filled the March air when I stepped onto the Myers Park Trinity soil. I had never even touched a real baseball bat in my life, yet I was trying out for the best team in the league. I squeezed my Spalding baseball mitt and slowly approached Founder’s Field.

The coach told us to warm up by throwing the Adidas baseball back and forth to each other. A couple of the more experienced players gave me a few tips on how to throw the ball more accurately after I had whiffed the ball a litany of times. For example, to receive a better grip on the ball, put on finger on each side of the ball; put one on top of the ball.

Finally, the tryouts began. Firstly, the coach instructed us to individually run a lap around the diamond, the bases, so that they could obtain our average time. I had become extremely jittery by the time it was my turn, but when the coach stated go, I went. Dust flew up towards the Carolina Blue sky. I sprinted towards home plate after rounding first, second, and third. Even though I had an average Little League score, I still strived for more.

Secondly, the coach instructed us to vie pitching. On my first try, I bounced the ball off the plate and gave the catcher a bloody nose. I stopped and apologized, but that didn’t stop the red, gushing blood from coming out of his nose. I threw balls for the other two. One bounced before it reached home, and the other nearly took the head off of a man walking by. My talent in pitching pretty much states my fielding skills also. I caught zero out of five pop- flies, stopped two out of three grounders, and didn’t make a single accurate throw to first.

At this point, my outcome was obvious, yet I still had to suffer through batting. I swung at and missed all the balls with my Easton baseball bat except for one that went about five inches. Stepping back into my squeaky, leather seat of the Suburban car, I tell my dad how horrible I did. My dad tried to cheer me up, but that didn’t matter. By this point, I had realized that I probably shouldn’t have tried out for the best Myers Park team first, but I should have tried out for a smaller team and worked my way up. As they say, “One who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”

~Forrester Welch


  1. nice job! I can fell myself being there. Also, Mr.B I ahve an older version of word and i can't find how to do 1.5 line spacing. Waht should i do?

  2. the was awesome!!!! and mr b for your hook i don't have a specific family name but i just have a family is that ok?


  3. 1st) select format then select paragraph. line spacing is one of the choices

    who 'generally' would refer to a place as being unique? ... that who you should use juli

  4. thank Mr.B. I found it.

  5. well... i am just saying a suburban family.


  6. i loved how you used such descriptive words and a lot of proper nouns. great job Forrester!


  7. Also Mr. Buxton, is the figurative language for the narrative and the essay the metaphors, personification, and alliteration?


  8. mr b i have my essay on mydocs so i can't do 1.5 line spacing.


  9. Ansley- Yes, and similies.
    Juliana-1.highlight the document 2.right click copy 4.create a new document on microsoft word 5.right click paste 7.change spacing to 1.5


  10. THANK YOU HAYDEN:):):):):):)


  11. On our narritive for tomorrow, should there be very little dailog and more discription, or visa versa?? How much daiolog is allowed?

    - Mary Grace

  12. :) Hey everyone. I was wonderin if our narrative had to be true because if it didn't have to be, my idia was about me being in candy this good?

  13. It doesn't have to be true; yours sound good to me. Mine is about a runway who finds this town kind of stuck in lost in time and hears this propechy.... very fantasy. I was wondering, I was going to do it around 'omen' but now I am wondering 'action' or even 'violence' because there is this big scence at the end where things get burned down... if you get my thread.

    - M. G.

  14. in our nouns song (i still have to do it) do we have to put these are a few of my favorite nouns because i am confused?


  15. Thanks:) Yours sounds great. I am sure you will do a great job on it!!!:):) :)

  16. mr. buxton- is ability an abstract noun?????!!!!.....

    RyAn S.

  17. also, was forrester's writing a PERSONAL NARRATIVE OR JUST A NARRATIVE

    RyAn S.

  18. i was going to do mine on either Steve Smith or Michael Oher

    RyAn S.

  19. good job Forrester! Do we have 2 type up the noun song?


  20. Good job Forrester! do we have to type up the nouns song???


  21. Juliana-you just have to have the 7 types of plural nouns
    I'm doing mine on a kid who failed a SAT's test and he wants to redeem himself to colleges and most importantly to him; himself
    Does anybody like that i'm going to do a lot of sensory and action languege and not much dialouge and a little of figurative language?


  22. maddie- i think we show it to him tom

    RyAn S.

  23. actually, I believe we present them to the class

    RyAn S.

  24. i did, but i don't think you have to Maddie.
    Ryan-I know you're probably going to ability, but i would do something like the hospitality provided to Michael Oher. And ryan Forrester's was a personal narrative.


  25. present what. If it is the song yes otherwise no.

  26. I think we have to type ours up.
    So we defiently can do dialog?????? I think yours sound really good Hayden!
    Thank you Mary Catherine!

    - M.G.
    (wait, isn't Thrusdays Mr. Buxton's night out or something? I guess that's why he's not posting)

  27. hayden- i am actually rethinking of doing talent or ability. ANYONE- does anyone who has seen The Blind Side know a better abstract noun for Michael Oher's whole life not just football?????!!!!!.....

    RyAn S.

  28. I have not seen the Blind Side, but have read up about him. I guess it would be something like bravery, the obivous.. hosipitality, triumph and something that has to do with succeding. Or, you can just do succeding!!

    - Mary Grace

  29. no,but i would say hospitality Ryan
    MG- Yes we can do dialouge and yes thur. is Mr.B's night out. Does the SAT idea sound sort of weird.

  30. i just don't get how hospitality links in with Michael Oher's whole life because he does start a fight

    RyAn S.

  31. ANYONE - what should my idea for my story be????????????? The guide line is posted above.

  32. The people who took him in were hospitable.

  33. yes, but what about HIM?????!!!!!.....

    RyAn S.

  34. Great job Forrester, great use of proper nouns and nice describing.

  35. Mary Grace, you have to follow what Mr. Buxton says, assume nothing!

  36. ?????? I'm just going with omen.

    Ryan, I guess he was brave, hard-headed etc etc.

    - Mary Grace

  37. I don't have word. I have open office writter and I can't find 1 1/2 line spacing. I think it is on it but I don't know. What should I do?

  38. I'm doing 'omen', and I'm doing a story about 2 kids who get signs from the future, then they go to the future and get captured by an evil man named Mr. Is this a good idea?


  39. Also, what does mr b mean by advanced expanded sentences on the narrative power plan?


  40. I was confused on that too, but i just did what i thought and did advance subjects and predicates in the same sentence


  41. Also i did omen too,

    i did sort-of the same thing as you

    There was a girl named lisa and she goes to a fortune teller and gets bad fortune then she get capured by a guy named Motle Dingpop and Fishlog Dooo then Jerry , the fortune teller, is acually Lisa's long lost brother...


    p.s. see ours are sort-of alike


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