
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Monday - Dialogue

Did you enjoy your Spring Break? I did.

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Welcome Back...

Math Study
 link 10.5

Dialogue - Your written test on dialgue on Tuesday will focus on your ability to effectively punctuate dialogue. This exercises is good practice.
Complete this online worksheet to help you practice the punctuation of different dialogue sentences.

Remember... Book club books must be finished by Wednesday.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Break

Math Link - Use this for classwork today.

Have a truly relaxing holiday. Thank you for all your hard work.

Enjoy Rachel and Carter's excellent movie trailer again.
Coming after the break:
  • Dialogue Test
  • New Book Clubs
  • New Read alouds with cross class Grand Conversations
  • Verbs Grammar Unit
  • Final Fantasy Story
  • Week of 9th April - ITBS Exams

Blogger of the Week - Han
Student of the Week

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Study Link 10.4

Put the finishing touches to your trailers. Make sure you have either uploaded your trailers to youtube  or that you have copied your link on the blog so that I have quick to them. Use the name: Mr Buxton. 5th Grade. Fantasy Trailers

I am excited to see them all tomorrow. I will not be on the blog later as I am off to see Hunger Games!

What did you enjoy the most about our archaeologist's presentation?

Friday Math activitiy

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Creating alegebric equations: Recap: YOU MUST  WATCH THIS VIDEO. Make a list of all the words that are red flags for creating alegebric equations
e.g. product = x (multiply)

Movie Trailer Work
Work on your movie trailer. You should have finished the writing portions of two more of your boxes. When people listen to your trailer, it should be abundantely clear your setting, your character traits: flaws, strengths, motivations etc. Make sure the quest is clear. Some fantasy elements should be explained in your trailer in addition to some reference to the true message behind the movie.

Congratualtions on the Ch. 3 letters.  They were detailed, specific, and engaging.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dialogue Practice

Study Link 10.2
Pan Balance Problem Recap

Movie Trailer
work on the writing portion for two boxes for your movie trailer. This is approx. oneparagraph per box. Tomorrow you will start collecting digital resources for your movie. Be thinking about how you will 'show' your plot with images.

Think about what made this an engaging trailer. What will you be able to do to make yours interesting?

Tomorrow's Book club discussion will be shorter than normal. All you need to have done is read thes section you were assigned and bring a discussion statement/opinion. e.g. The use of typical, uncreative archetpyes in this novel makes the story too predictable.

Social Studies letter: Due in Wed

How to make a glog: Recap

Monday, March 19, 2012

Dialogue -

Study link 10.1

Finish your dialogue text with your partner. Work together on a google doc. Your text should be a mix of dialogue and narrative. Try to integrate some of the dialogue techniques we discussed today. You must EACH bring a hard copy of your text to class tomorrow for me to inspect.

Mrs. Huggins work in due in tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

End of Quarter

Congratulations on a fine quarter. Tomorrow and Friday, you will get the chance to show your parents so much  of how you have grown as a student and a person.

Next Week:

Tech Integration
Set up accounts at and check out the software

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


How will you make your antagonists believable?

Last h/w before next week

Don't forget sports equipment for fun afternoon if you promised to bring it in

Monday, March 12, 2012

No Homework - Puppetpals App

This is a 'no compulsory H/W' evening due to the many students who have to  perform in a concert this evening. I hope it goes well.

If people would like to do some work:
  • Grammar Test is tomorrow - you should have tackled many of the exercises from the blog post of last week
  • Math Tests  Unit 9 - coming soon
  • Only with your parents' permission - You may bring you ipad in tomorrow for an activity. Download the puppetpals app. and make sure you know how to use it. - There is a free version.If you bring in your ipad - you do so at your own risk and it must stay in your bag until you are given permission to take it out of your bag.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Do not forget to check out the comma exercises on the blog - These will be Monday's H/W

Next Week

The Friday Message

Student of the week

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Comma Questions

Tonight's H/W
  • Study Link 9.10
  • Be prepared for your book club
  • Some comma exercises from below (Tackle some from each category)
You should 'almost' be finished with your photopeach and have it uploaded to your blog.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Goals Sheet: Due: Thur - This is a priority!

Math: Study Link 9.7 and  9.9 (Due:Thur)

Recap video from today's session
Social Studies Photopeach: Due (Fri) - It should be embedded into your blog by then. We will be using them in the class.

Symbolism Recap (This is a VERY good slideshow that you can click through in 3 minutes that clealy explains symbolism)

View more PowerPoint from rablair

Commas Recap

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Comma Practice

Complete these exercsies.

Math worksheet: Due :Wed

Conferences - work on your goals  with your parents (Due: Thur)

Win a TQ if you can find an example of both coordinate adjecticves and culmulative adjectives in any book you are reading.

Cumulative Adjectives: Recap (This is for you Han) - and anybody else  too!

Adjectives: Coordinate or Cumulative? - win a TQ if you read this H/O.

No H/W Night

No H/W tonight - Take a break.

If you would like to work ahead, look at some of the H/W tasks for later days in the week.

Volume: Video - Recap

This is our volume song

Friday, March 2, 2012

Next Week

The Friday Message (From Han)
What have you done for another person recently?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Science (From Mrs. Clayton)
Response Sheet – Schoolyard Models is due tomorrow (Friday). 

Field Trip tomorrow - Remember:
  • Sanck and lunch
  • Camera
  • Small amount fo money for gift shop