Subjects and Predicates Test - Open book/Open notes (Tuesday Morning)
Make sure you have already practiced the online exercises. This is the best way to study for this test.
- Make sure you can both identify and write examples of the four different types of subjects and the four different types of predicates. REMEMBER ...You can use any notes like these in the test.
- During the test, make sure you pay careful attention to instructions e.g. circle simple subject or underline complete predicate.
- What strategies for proof reading will you use in the test to make sure you have followed the test questions specifically?
Spelling Lesson 7 (Tuesday afternoon)
Can our notes also be a good extersise????
you need to be able to 'apply'your notes to way to do this is ny answering questions and creating sentences
Ok Thanks
What stratigies i will use to proofread during the test are:
-My proofreading patch
-Read ever direction carfully AGAIN
-Make sure i for example circle the subject and underline the predicate
Also do we have to do our essay or can we skip it if we feel proud with our grade?????
Also will there be any thing other than subjects and predicates on the test?????
-Sarah Neely
With the essay thing, yes. I don't mean to mislead you, but I think this is a wink wink nudge nudge Bob's your uncle moment.
So we better do it???
p.s. do we get a grade on the essay??
SaRaH- I THINK WE gET A grADe but im not SURe. MY ADvIce iS to act like it is A grade.
RyAn S.
I don't know if it is grade but if it is your grade will not change.
Do we do our essay?
Everybody-no, I'm perfectly happy with my grade. b+ or under i would do it, but above i would skip it if you feel happy with your grade. And seriously i doubt something would be optional if it was for a grade otherwise he would MAKE us all do it again including Pete and Makaela but they could probably just copy their's over again.
And i asked him if we got a grade and he said NO!!
When are we going to look at our Teddy Bear grades?
I know this is way off topic, but are we allowed to post comments about Chelsea and Liverpool, (we're allowed to post stuff about ping-pong.) If we are, LIVERPOOL BEAT MAN.U.!!!!!!!
After the test tomorrow, Are we going to go over like the last five or so phrase/word of the week? We haven't done it in like forever.
I went home sick today. Did we do any other notes or handouts in class?
- Mary Grace
Who is Liverpool???? Who is Man.U? Are those football teams?
- Mary Grace
MC- we just took notes on how to study for the test and how to follow the directions carefully. Sadly, Forrester has told me 1,000 times the Liverpool and Manchester United are soccer teams. Other than that i can't name more than 1 other soccer team.
Anybody-are these sentences correct?
Simple S&P- Houses were swaying.
Complete S&P- Throught the year, paved roads were built slowly into the ground.
Compound S&P- Books and document crumpled and burned.
Complete compound S&P- The arrogant diplomat and the self-centered servant passed out food and picked up dishes.
Sorry I ment to say MG.
i just won ping pong 0-0
RyAn S.
thanks HaYdEn
RyAn S.
MG- Please do not say soccer teams again. Try having Forrester talking to you about them all the time.
Anybody- Please tell me if the sentences are right
I THINK your sentances are right. - Mary Grace
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they are right.
- Mary Grace
HaYdEn- if you right click and click play you win. i just won 3-7 (i had 3)
RyAn S.
mr.b- is there a n essay on the test?????!!!!!......
RyAn S.
Ryan. Think about it. It is a test on subjects and predicates. Most likely, there is not an essay. There might be a paraghaph you have to write using subjects and predicates. So, you might want to expect some sort of writing.
Mg- a paragraph is an essay
i accidentaly just won the millionare game.
RyAn S.
MG- subjects are the same type as the predicate.
Ryan-What? There's always an essay on a test. ex: Use two of each kind of subjectsand predicates to describe the Lower School at C.L.S.
well, i consider a paragraph an essay
RyAn S.
Ryan- the right click worked.
An essay and a pargraph are different!!!
- M.G.
hayden- seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
RyAn S.
wait so we are doing an essay for the test!!!!
no, paragraph- A distinct division of written or printed matter that begins on a new, usually indented line, consists of one or more sentences, and typically deals with a single thought or topic or quotes one speaker's continuous words
essay- A short literary composition on a single subject, usually presenting the personal view of the author
target- An object, such as a padded disk with a marked surface, that is shot at to test accuracy in rifle or archery practice
RyAn S.
Mary Grace - no ... we just reviewed for the test
Please cease talk of ping pong and soccer on the blog. thank you
no writing (essay or paragragh on the test)
MG there is no such thing as a 'complex' predicate...ouch!!!
flyn- probably or we are doing a paragraph or a target
RyAn S.
never mind then flynn
RyAn S.
sorry mr b.
RyAn S.
is this Ryan Schellpfeffer? What's a target again?
- Flynn
why did you say sorry?
I already did all of the games and I printed off the ones I did the worst on for the test. Is that okay?
- Juliana
Juliana- that's similar to what i did.
My printer is broken. I was going to do print off the ones I did poorly on, but since I can't I took notes.
Mr. Buxton, if we get to school in time could I print some of the things off the blog??
There are things we need to print off the blog????
If so what should i print out and maybe if you tell me i can print it out for you???
Thanks Sarah. You don't need to print them out, but some exercises are helpful. I think the most helpful one is this one: Subjects and Predicates Online questions and games
You just scroll down the page and hit check my work and print off what comes up. Anything else is fine; that is the one I need. If you don't have time it's fine I'll do it when I get to school tomorrow.
Yeah MG,
its printing out right now so it just has the answer nothing else i hope that is ok
i'll give it to you at school!!!
(just the www.townsonetc... right)
Perfect Sarah. Thank you, this helps a ton!
- Mary Grace
Ooh that helped me too.
mr buxton... are complex sentences going to be on the test tomorrow... You were asking us to make a complex sentence at the end of the day so i was not sure. Also... I will be leaving at 12 o clock for an orthodonist apointment. I will come back though
Mr buxton... i just won 1,ooo,ooo dollars and i was on the laptop upstairs and i won a million dollars, but i could not print it so i asked my mom and she said to send this to you. She asked me to ask you "What should I do."
Nvm, Sarah. My printer is working.
You guys have already taken this test, but I am not that clear on all the types of the subjects. What are all the types? I THINK two of them are simple and compound. Are they the same as predicates or different?
MG- they are named the same, but they are different.
(i just used a compound sentence!!!!!!!!)
RyAn S.
What that mean Ryan?
hayden- i mean what i mean
What ev.
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